Im sorry part two

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Izuku POV
I hear a know on the door , excited as I was ,I run to the door ,I open it smiling "hi kachan!, *laughs*i was waiting for yo-", my eyes grow big in fear ,it was kachan,my kachan, "o-oh ,um  hi k-ka-kachan ,the um older kachan isn't her-", "Izuku,I dint come for him,I uh,I-I came her for you",he gave me my favorite flower , "orange zinnias,there-there my favorite", "I know .........can I ........can I please come in?",he had a face full of pure honesty and apology and ...........and sadness, "uumm sure ,you can come in for-uh um a l-little bit",I walk to the couch scared half to death ,nervous what he would say and what he would do,I sit down................and he.........h-he sat b-be-beside me,I was looking down trying to enjoy the silence and trying not to show I was scared he was here and what he was gonna do "Izuku", I look at him "uuhmm y-yes ka-kacha-", he interrupted by giving me a hug "I-I'm so sorry ,I ,I don't know what came over me ,but whatever it was I know you could have never forgiven me ,I pull out of the hug ,caressing his face ,gazing into his eyes ,feeling now so sad ,I say to him " 'I forgive you,my love" a blush crept upon his face ,while gazing into my eyes "I-Izuku,you forgive m-me?", tears start to come from the corner of his eyes ,I smile "of course kachan ,I love you",I feel tears starting to come from the corner of my eyes as well "yeah,y-yeah I do",soon enough we were both crying and smiling ,we touch foreheads, laughing ,he put his hand on my cheek and said "you know ,I always think I don't even deserve you,because your so sweet and amazing ,and ,I always feel like a pebble in your way,yet you treat me so lovingly ,no matter what I did ,I didn't deserve it", "yes ,*laughs* you did kachan" "okay,wwwwweeeelll I guess I needed just a little bit",we both were laughing ,and soon enough gazing into one another's eyes "Izuku,can I kiss you?", I smile "silly kachan,you don't need to ask", then we shared a soft and passionate kiss ,it felt like a dream ,UNTIL we heard someone clapping and sniffling by the door ,we look at the door ,to see the older kachan clapping happily and crying tears of joy "*sniffs and sobs a little*,beautiful,so *sniff then sighs*so beautiful",kachan gets up ,and starts stomping over to him,oh boy ,before kachan could do anything ,the older kachan grabbed kachan by the hair ,and said "that's what you get for being an idiot",then he let go of his hair ,then tripped him , "and THATS what you get for hurting Izuku", kachan got up rubbing his head "yeah-uh I guess I do indeed deserve that",it made me laugh ,they looked at me blushing and smiling ,even though there the same person,I still don't like how alike they act , "now uh guys what should we do now?"I ask ,my kachan shrugged ,while the older one said "ah,let's go to the...........yeah,umm idk.....oh wait ,I KNOW ,why don't we watch a movie~",he looked at kachan in a knowing look,which made me confused...oh no..........what are they gonna do to me.......I swear if I get raped in the process someone's not gonna be oh so very happy (DAMN deku dark)

Time skip to them having everything ready

Still Izuku POV
I was sitting between the two ,both of them holding each of my hands gently making me very flustered "so ummm,guys ,what did you choose?,just curious is all" ,they said in unison "alien convenant"(I actually recently watched the movie it's good,WARNING:little spoilers,and yeah,y'all gonna deal with it,cause ima heifer)I jump "wait WHAT?!?!",the look at me like 'bruh what's your deal' ,I look away for a second then look again to see them grinning at each other ,ugh,dang it they planned it.

An hour into the movie

So far the movie hasn't been bad at all,and well older kachan and my kachan seem horrified ,I mean like SHOOT there clinging the he-almight out of me ,then there was scene when these two designed to look like men robots kissed ,we all said "AWWW",then one of them just automatically killed the other "AAAHHHHH",OMG that scared me half to death,that was cruel(I actually screamed when the robot did that ,and my mom looked at me and said "jeez what is your deal",I just shrugged my shoulders,I'm so dumb) soon thank almight the movie ended "that was horrifying" the kachans nodded in agreement "now what should we do?"my kachan said ,the older kachan asked me "yes,what do you want to do to me..........OH SHOOT ,I mean US..........UGH NO WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH US IZUKU",he was blushing very visibly me and kachan laughed ,loving how easily he got flustered ,then I had an idea "well ,I wonder what I wanna do to you to~",they started blushing really hard ,I stood up and faced them ,they scooted close to each other ,I pinned them to the couch ,omg I wanna laugh so hard right now ,they look so scared "w-well what do you wanna do to us?",I say "I wanna......~", "please ,please tell us Izuku,my dear~",I each have them a kiss on the cheek "i wanna...~ ..........get some icecream!,come on let's go!", they both looked at me in shocked ,then I saw them look down at their pants ,I look down as well ,they said in unison "ugh dammit Izuku ,you made us get a boner!",got out of the position I was in and collapsed to the ground dying of laughter ,then they rush to the bathroom,then it was a tie both of them making it there,they started arguing ,which made me die even harder if laughter,there  hilarious,I'm honestly gonna miss older kachan, he's a good person,but at least I'll have my kachan ,my lover ,if soulmates were real ,I'm sure he would be mine,I mean we love one another so much it hurts ,and I like that, I get up "oh for Almight's sake you to ,just end this with Rock,Paper, and Scissors jeez *laughs*,I love you guys ,well I'm heading out to get icecream ,see you later love you",then I left them there and went to go get icecream

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