Day two part one

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(mwa haha haha,you will never get know if katsuki slept with Izuku,and yes in the end the older katsuki got himself an apartment)

The next day
Normal katsuki POV
*ring*,*ring*,*RRRRRRIIINNNG-*, " HAH!!,SHUT THE FRICK UP!!!!",I say ,as I sit up in my bed ,I turn to my left ,to see mineta rummaging through stuff.......wait WHAT?!?!,I pick up the jerk by his shirt ,and walk over to my door ,and open it ,then kicked his behind ,and yelled " STAY OUT OF MY ROOM YA DAMN PERVERT?!?!?!?!",then he was on his hands and knees and hissed at me ,then scrambled away ,tch,what a creep,after that horrifying disturbance,I get myself ready for the day ,I guess I didn't finish the rest of school yesterday,because of what happened,I'm pretty sure I'll get an excuse for that ,it took about twenty minutes to get ready ,since there was still some time till school started  ,I went to Deku's dorm ,but as I got there ,I heard him scream out "NNNNOOOOOO!!!!",as if it was a sixth sense ,I kicked the door down ,only to see deku ,and round face horrified of something that was on the tv ,I stomped in front of it to see a scene from the bee movie ,I look at them and asked " the frick is this?,and why are you crying?,this is dumb",round face gave me a glare that made me want to laugh ,it didn't even look fierce,I've seen a dog do a better glare at me then that ,I look at deku who was pouting and then said "w-well kachan ,you haven't seen the full movie so you wouldn't understand,hmph",he looked adorable when he was pouting ,but i put that aside and told uraraka to go and get ready for school ,and I grabbed Izuku by the hand to help him up ,he was blushing ,but he was blushing even more when he got up ,cause when he did ,his face so close to mine ,honestly I wanted to kiss him so bad at that moment ,but I know I shouldn't ,it's to soon,I backed away a little and said " deku ,I'm going to be helping you get ready for school today since ,well ,you haven't gotten ready at all ,and there's ten minutes till class start",I said wanting to smile,I mean I smirked a little but I tried my best to hide it,but I don't think I did ,cause after deku smiled at me ,that made me have the urge to kiss him ,I guess I didn't notice what I was doing but ,I started stroking his cheek ,and was about to come in for a kiss until I noticed that deku looked nervous and was confused and was blushing a lot ,so I automatically stopped and said with a blushing face "I-uuh-uuum-uh, w-well let's uh ,um-I-i-I'll just m-make your l-lunch",Izuku nodded his head and told me he was gonna go change ,so I obviously should not go into his room,I was making deku some katsudon for lunch ,he loves katsudon,as soon as I'm done ,Izuku was done getting dressed ,I gave him his lunch,grabbed his backpack for him ,and it seems that all the stuff he needed for school was in there ,so I gave it to him ,then we walked out the dorm ,but of course since there just has to always be something in the way ,duck tape and phone charger saw me and deku walk out of his dorm ,as soon as they did they looked at each other then looked at me ,raising there eyebrows,deku said to me " Uuummm,kachan?,why are they raising there eyebrows at you?",I growled at the two of them and grabbed izukus sleeve saying under my breath " nothing ,just a few extras,that are in me and my Izuku's way",I looked at him , realizing what I just said to him ,he was lookin at the ground blushing really hard,god katsuki ,why are you such a klutz,I checked the time on my watch(that came outta nowhere)to see we had three minutes to get to class ,and since our dorms are separated from the school from a far distance ,I fully grab Deku's arm ,and started running with him ,as soon as we were out of the dorm place or whatever ,I picked up deku bridal style,he was whining and begging me to put him down ,but I didn't listen,soon enough I used one of my mostly freed hand ,and started blasting me and deku to the school,to my surprise we made it there to a record time of two minutes ,but that meant we had one minute to get to class ,I gently put Izuku down then held his hand tight but not tight enough to hurt him and then we ran to class ,at last and thank almight ,we made it

Time skip to end of class

Izuku POV
I really gotta say ,kachan has been acting really weird,like this morning,was he about to kiss me or something?, I highly doubt it ,there's no way he would have tried to kiss me ,but I mean he has been acting really odd,maybe he does like me,but I won't ask until I'm sure of it, because well I don't want him to kill me,that wouldve been the worst,I look behind myself to see kachan and his Baku-squad (btw,for people who don't who the Baku-squad is ,it's Mina,kirishima,kaminari,sero,and bakugo himself),I smile at kachan as he starts yelling at his friends as they were laughing ,I saw kachan look at me showing me a little smile,I wave at him,and look forward so I don't trip or hit something,I look at my phone ,I was gonna text my mom something,I was scrolling through the names ,and as I was scrolling ,I found a two phone numbers that read , 'your kachan',and 'katsuki',I press call on the phone number that said 'katsuki',it must've been 'bakustay's' idea ,you know what ,honestly I'm kinda tired of calling him that,ima just start calling him bakugo,I'm guessing that the phone number that said you're kachan was Bakugo's,so enough it answered ,I looked behind myself with to my surprise kachan wasn't on his phone ,I bring the phone to my ear and say "hello?", " ah ,hi my sweet Izuku ,is there something you need?", " wait....bakugo?", " yes?",I was shocked ,I thought this phone number was kachans ,but it's not, " hey,bakugo ,uummm,ill,uh call ya later okay?", " aww,I'm guessing you just wanted to hear my voice huh",I blush at what bakugo said "uh-um ,I'll see you later bakugo,bye", "bye",I ended the call,we were almost to the dorms,I looked at the phone number  that said 'your kachan' , I pressed call ,and as soon as I did,I heard *rrrriiiiinnnggg*,behind me ,I quickly discalled it and ran the rest of the way to the dorms,o my o my o my o my o my ALMIGHT,that was kachans phone number,yes there is definitely something up with kachan,but what?

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