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Older kacchan POV
"I love you"
When I heard my younger self say that to Izuku I felt happy ...............but...........mad at the same fact ...............I think I'm jealous............could I be? NO!.....there's no way besides Izukus my husband ,yeah he's my husband it's just I'm starting to miss my........Izuku,my chest hurt my vision started to become blurry I was................sad I couldn't watch anymore nor hear ,I dashed out of Izukus hollow ,tears streaming down my face as I run to my apartment.

Time skip to older kacchans apartment

I unlocked my apartment door then went inside and locked the door and dashed to my room ,I closed the door and sat on my bed crying my heart out I hate this ,I shouldnt be feeling like this Izukus already mine I shouldn't be sad I should be happy that my younger self confessed and Izuku loves him back.......I start hurting even more "WHY?!?!?!? THIS DAMN TORTURE!!!!"I soon hear a quickened knock on my door and hear an angelic voice "kacchan?!?!?,is that you? At-are you alright?!?!.........KACCHAN?!?!?!",I wipe my eyes and clear my throat as I walk to the door ,I open the door to see two sparkling emeralds gazing into my eyes worriedly "ah ,hello my sweet Izuku are you alright?? You wanna come inside can I make some tea?" I soon feel two arms wrap around my waist ,I look down to see my emerald eyed angel hugging me tight I hug back then I notice...........hes here-AH no don't think like that he's me alright ,yes it's me from the past it's okay ..... *sigh*'s okay "well come in you two!"they walk in my younger self sat on the couch signaling Izuku to come to him ,Izuku started to walk towards him when I accidentally blurted out "hey! Izuku! heh,y-you wanna help me make the tea?" Izuku looked at me his eyes lighting up like a firework as he said "sure kacchan!" I looked at my younger self to see him giving me a look that plainly read 'dude ....chill' all I did was shrug my shoulders and walked into the kitchen with Izuku to make the tea.

Normal kachan POV
what the??didnt he see me clearly signaled Izuku to come to me ,I looked at him then all he did was shrug his shoulders this made me upset I knew what he was trying to do ..........but then I relaxed and thought to my self 'eh,Izukus fine besides Izuku knows he mine and he can use one for all on the guy and also this guy only has two days left till he can see his Izuku so I guess I should be so made I mean,having to be with your Izuku for a while damn week?that sounds like if all for one tried to give you flowers and asked you on a date'i laugh at the last part of what I thought of "*chuckles*all for one giving me flowers ,stupid"(while all for one was at the door actually with flowers about to ask one of them on a date ,jk)I say while shaking my head ,I walk over to the kitchen and peek in to see what was going I see that my older self was crying softly on his knees while Izuku was hugging him 'what the?'I go back to the couch thinking how I was going to ask Izuku what that was all about.

Older kacchan POV
Me and Izuku were in the kitchen making the tea when I said "hey Izuku?" "Yeah kacchan?",I blush slightly "y-you know that in the future ,your my husband right?"Izuku looked away blushing "y-yeah I know that..........but you understand the situation right?you know you can't get to attached to me"I sigh a shaky sigh "I-I know th-that"I bite my lip ,feeling my chest hurt again "I'm sorry Izuku ,I...... *sniff*....I didn't mean to fall in love with you .....I promise ...I-I r-really am" tears start to stream down my face ,I felt a hand on mine I look to see Izuku a gentle smile on his face "there's no need to cry kacchan ,I mean I can understand ....your missing your Izuku" when he mentioned those words I thought of my lover and fell to the ground crying ......this is torture ,damn that person for having that damn quirk and hitting my younger self ,I felt arms wrap around me and heard words I've been wanting to hear for what feels like years "ssshhh.....sshhh......I forgive love" I knew that he didn't mean it like that but it still made my heart warm,I felt a warm kiss on my cheek I look up at my young lover "thank you....Izuku" soon we hear the kettle whistling ,I get up "well I guess the teas ready heh......why don't you sit with katsuki alright?" He nodded his head and went to younger self ......I realized I didn't feel any pain anymore I just felt happy , I poured the tea in some mugs and brought them to my younger self and Izuku "thanks kacchan!" , "yeah ...thanks dude" I gave my younger self a look that said 'we cool?' he laughed lightly and nodded his head we sat around having an enjoyable conversation about the two asking which of their classmates husbands and wives were and I would tell them and tell them that hilarious me and Izuku did when we got our house, my younger self was practically begging me about what's gonna happen on his and Izukus wedding but I didn't tell them "there's no way I'm gonna let you know" "UUUHHHH please please PLEASE tell me what happens ,I wanna know!!!" "oh come on kacchan ,just wait until it's our wedding alright?" My younger self blushed at what Izuku had said "*laughs*yeah katsuki ,listen to your future husband" Izuku was now blushing and pouting,it was the most cutest thing "sh-shut up k-kacchan" me and my younger self laughed at Izukus response, I can't wait to see my husband again ,when I see him I'm gonna make sure I show him how much I love him and apologize a million times about leaving him for a whole week and give him lots of kisses,I smile to myself 'just two days katsuki .......two days..'.

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