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Btw,I always call that picture I drew above ,the Mona Lisa,but um anyways,the day has come my readers that I thank you for the 1k reads and ,AND the day for you guys to not see why these two aggressive Pomeranians are having hentai faces yet(HENTAI FOR LIFE?!?!,one of my friends said that before corona), also this is going to be a pretty sad chapter,so be prepared

Izuku POV
WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!,kachan comes closer to me ,and whispers something in my ear , "hehehe,if only you knew *purrs*,(WHAT THE ,CHASH-NUTIE(katsuki)CAN PURR?!)i literally ran out of the apartment ,absolutely horrified "wha-what-WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!",I yell while running to the park me kachan Like ,it took me twenty minutes to get there ,I crawl into the hideout panting half to death "om-allmight,tha-*takes in a deep breath,and exhales deeply*that was insane,but at least I wasn't raped or anything it was like there were zombies ,should I go back?-ugh-WHAT NO!!!,I shouldn't .......but I want to -but no,NO I don't wanna get raped.........you know what....*sigh*uuuggghhh fffiinnneee I'll go,but only cause I'm horrified and worried about the two,and also after I solve whatever the Allmight is going on I need to ask older kachan why he so ......lovey dovey around me ,even though he's leaving in like four days I wanna know why........wait .....is it just me or did me and kachan just straight up hook up in like two days???.......welp...heh,whatever

Third POV
Izuku crawls out of the hide out only to automatically grabbed by the of his collar pinned to a tree and was kissed passionately by katsuki ,even though Izuku wanted to continue this lovely kiss ,he was still freaked out by kachan and his older self ,plus he was a bit ,A BIT upset by how katsuki straight up choked him and then kissed him out of anywhere

Izuku POV
I used my quirk at 10% just enough to get him off of me ,and to show like No.he looked up at me ,having his normal face again thank almight ,but  I guess he did not like the idea of me using my quirk on him "Oi,what the almight deku, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!",I jumped a little noticing automatically how kachan hasn't yelled at me like that in a while, I said "w-well kachan umm you kissed me out of no where and it scared me so I used a little bit of my quirk on you I'm sorry I won't do it again just don't surprise m-", "HHAAAHHH!!!,WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!,I DIDNT KISS YOU ,YA DAMN NERD!!!!,I **CKING HATE YOU!!!!", tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes, " wh-WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!YOU JUST TRIED TO KI-", "om-almight,NO .I.DID.NOT. I HATE YOU!!", as soon as he said those words the tears fall out of my eyes "why?,what did I do kachan?,I-I thought ,I thought you loved me", kachan looks at me with shock in his eyes "what are you even talking about you stupid idiot?, heh,I NEVER loved you",I jump at he had said ,my eyes widen making even more tears fall "you-you jerk*in a shaky voice*", he walked up to me ,and slapped me "you should've just jumped off the schools roof you damn nerd,besides ,it's not like anybody likes nor loves you,heh,what a idiot",I run away going to his older self's (yesh,I know that's not a word,but I like it)apartment ,I knock on his door ,completely ignoring the fact that he looked really weird,he opened the door ,and looked down at me having his weird face quickly turning into his normal face but with worries in his eyes,he picked me up bridal style ,and sitting down on the couch ,wrapping his arms around me "hey,hey,hey my young lover ,what's wrong?",I bury my face into his chest crying harder ,not wanting to talk about what had happened "it's okay.......you don't have to tell me right now ,okay? I'm okay with that,but sooner or later you're gonna have to tell me so I can help you okay?,he kissed my head ,and brung me closer soothing me ,I like this,older kachan seems so nice and loving,I feel safe and soon fall asleep from crying so hard.

Older kachan POV(oh yeah here he is)
I open my door feeling like I wanna kiss Izuku,when I see him......in tears ,I soon feel normal again but saddened to see him crying ,I pick him up and bring him to the couch and cuddle him,why in the world is he crying?........ahah dammit I bet it was my younger dumb self,of course,I knew he couldn't handle what I showed him(and OMG NO,HE did not ,i repeat DID NOT ,RAPE HIS YOUNGER SELF) I ask if Izuku could tell me what's wrong even though I bet I knew what was wrong,but got no response ,I brought him closer to me saying comforting things to him and giving him kisses on his head,and soon enough he falls asleep ,I smile at him ,he looks so Beautiful ,I gently carry him to my bed ,I tuck him in and give him a kiss on the cheek and then leave the room,I close the door "now great ,I gonna go deal with my idiotic jerk of a person self",I honestly wish I wasn't such a jerk when I was younger ,I mean all of my years of loving him I just treated him like a pest ,I wanna cry whenever think about it ,but whenever I'm about to ,my husband would hug me and and say 'I forgive you,my love' then my heart would start pounding deeply and I would give him a kiss ,and say 'ilove you so much',I wipe away the tears that had Fallen on my cheeks without me knowing ,and I start marching to the punks dorm.

Oh yeah ,I'm really sorry for taking so long,but I'm not sorry for torturing you guys about the two having dem faces

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