Day two part two

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When I found this yesterday ,it was like god has answered my prayers,I told my cousin about ,and we were straight up screaming at each other with exitment,but yeah,let's just say I was happy,okay anyways ,les-go.

Katsuki POV
I don't know if my dumb squad knew ,or Izuku knew ,but the whole time we were walking to the dorms,I had my eyes locked on Izuku,I just wanted to run up to him kiss and hug him an- *RRRRRIIIINNNGGGG*,I was about to pick up my phone ,when it stopped ringing,I looked up to see deku running the rest of the way to the dorms,why?,I give the extras an excuse ,that I need to my homework done ,so the old hag doesn't start a dumb brawl with me ,after they stupidly fell for the damn lie,I ran after deku,when I was far enough for the extras to be able to hear me ,I started yelling " DEKU,PLEASE,COME BACK!!!",he stopped in his tracks,a few feet from me ,and looked at me,with a questionable face ,it made my heart melt ,he started running towards me ,(btw I was still running after my Izuku),as soon as we were in front of each other,we stopped running,I gazed into his eyes,and I guess he thought I was glaring at him ,cause he started blushing,it was cute, " s-so what do y-you need?", I shake my head a little ,to get out of his gaze and I look at him and say " uuummm,did you call me?,cause my phone went off and turned off immediately and right after that ,you started running ,so-uh did you?", he looked at the ground ,I'm guessing it's probably embarrassing,I put my finger on his chin and lifted his head ,and brought his cute little face close to mine ,I say " you know ,deku ,I really don't mind if you call me ,especially since IM YOUR kachan",I wanted to kiss him so bad ,he looked so cute as his face turned crimson red ,wanting to look away , "uuuuhh ,heh,heh ,damn kaminari ,I thought you were kidding *chuckles*,hey bakubro",I turn to look behind me to see those extras ,ah god ,I guess there gonna be bugging me until until me and deku are together ,and actually there probably gonna be still messing around even after we're together,I growl at them ,walking away from my Izuku ,I didn't want to ,but I was upset and I wanted to kill them ,I yell at them " WHAT DO YOU DAMN EXTRAS WANT?!?!?!?!",raccoon eyes(Mina),laughed at me and said " well ,we wanted to see you and deku smooch till the end of time is all",after she said that she turned around ,and put her hands on her back making kissing noises,the damn extras laughed which my blood boil ,I stomp up to her face being my face up to her face and shaking it "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY RACOON EYES?!?!?!",stupid hair put his arm on Kaminari's shoulder " yeah Mina ,you shouldn't be messing with love",after that they started laughing even harder ,I heard a little giggle behind me ,I look at them with my upset face ,but it softens down a lot ,to that Izuku was laughing ,it made me smile,I glare at the extras and say " you damn extras are lucky ,for now",I walk over to deku and grab his hand ,and walk the rest of the way to the dorms ,I walk with him to his dorm ,I guess he didn't expect me to follow him cause he looked at me in confusion ,I said " yeah-yum , do ya mind if you and I could hang out?,even tho my dorm is just next door ,I wanted to sleep here,is that alright with you?",he was shocked at what I said but he smiled and nodded his head ,making me smile as well ,then I said " okay ,so you can start doing your homework,while I make katsudon",he said " b-but kachan ,DONT you have homework to do ,a-and plus ,your my guest ,so it'll be best if make the food",I give him my 'bruh' look and say " well Izuku ,I finished all my homework during class ,and well the only thing you can make is cold instant ramen noodles",I look at the ground ,I chuckle at what I say , heh, cold instant noodles , I look from the corner of my eye ,to see deku smiling ,but then blush ,covering his face and then say " u-ummm, I-izuku?",I blush and look at him ,and say , " you must have really dirty ears ,I didn't say that deku,any ways ,go do your homework",he walks away and goes to his bed room to go to his homework,and I go to the kitchen to make the katsudon,he's so damn cute".

Time skip to Izuku being done with home work and katsuki done making katsudon

Izuku POV
As soon as I'm done with my home work,kachan walls in to my room " hey deku ,the foods done",I smile at him ,and get up,but he stops me ,by walking over and puts his hand on my chest ,I look at him ,blushing ,but trapped in his gaze,I didn't have control of my body ,and I kissed him on the cheek,I noticed what I did and looked at kachan ,he was blushing really hard looking at me i

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