Day three part three

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Heh,I love this photo,also ,sorry I haven't been able to make a lot of chapters,I've been pretty busy helping my mom with packing,and a whole lot of other stuff,I also have been making covers for future books,I like em,also I made this drawing⬇️,okay let's get to this chapter and find out what this angry Pomeranian and broccoli are about to find out.

Heh,I love this photo,also ,sorry I haven't been able to make a lot of chapters,I've been pretty busy helping my mom with packing,and a whole lot of other stuff,I also have been making covers for future books,I like em,also I made this drawing⬇️,o...

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Normal katsuki POV
What the almight is he hiding?,is he on drugs ,IS MY FUTURE SElF ON DRUGS!?!?!?!?!?!,what in the world,I swear if that's the case ,I'm gonna kill him..........wait..........oh no hold on a sec......dis boi is I kill him........I'm killen myself,Allmight .....i's bout to murderer to myself ......what's wrong with me?,I look to my side to see Izuku just staring at my future self ,possibly wondering the same thing as me ,then he welcomes us to sit on his couch ,I'm not so sure if I should trust him completely,I see that Izuku was about to sit on the couch "IZUKU DONT SIT DOWN YET?!?!?!,I NEED TO CHECK SOMETHING!!!",he looks at me in confusion but listens to what I said ,I sniff the couch ,it didn't smell like he did it,and it doesn't smell like drugs or cigarettes,so I nod to Izuku that I guess it's safe to sit down,so we sit down,there was a coffee table in front of us ,and across me and the coffee table was a chair that the older me sat in,he looked at us all creepy ,like me and Izuku only left him for two days ,and he looks like this,this is starting to seriously creep me out ,and since this is my future self,I need to know this instant, " hey stupid head ,now ,you better tell me ,or at least show me", he gave me an even stupider look ,then smiled wide and then said "heh ,alright *hic*,I'll-heh,ill show ya", what the heck???,Izuku starts to get up as well,as soon as he starts to get up,the older version of me walked up to him and gently pushed him back down into the couch ,getting really close to his face and said " no no,not you heh-*hic*,only he can see the special thing ,okay cutie *chuckles*,heh-*hic*,Kay cutie~",what he did next made me very upset ,he gave Izuku a quick kiss on the cheek,I pushed to him away from Izuku ,and stood infront of Izuku ,shielding him "okay ,come on you damned idiot ,show me,we don't got all day",he laughs and said " heh,okay little boy~,hehehe-*hic*,now ,come wiff me aight?-*hic*,heh",yeah he's definitely dumber then pikachu,I didn't know anyone could be dumber then that,better yet,he's even creepier then grape balls(mineta),but I guess it turns out to be me,again ,what's wrong with me?

Izuku POV
What the heck?!?!,okay,how come when we first had contact he seemed like a good person,but now ,it's like what the heck,like it's only been two days,how could one person be able to do something so horrid ,well ,I can't really say it's horrid cause idk what he did ,but ,judging by how he looks ,he looks like A,he just friken screwed someone, B,he's on drugs, or C,he just chugged down like eight full gallons of alcohol of somethin,but whatever he did ,me looks disgusting,kachan said he was gonna go to his room with him,so I guess I'll wait here ,you know what?, I haven't texted any of my friends in a while ,I'll go on group chat and see how everyone is.
Pikachu- kaminari
Alien queen-mina
Hardboi- kirishima
Pink cheeks-uraraka
Frog face-Asui
Icy hot-todoroki
Green broccoli-midoriya

Okay les go

Green broccoli-hey everyone!,how are you guys?!?

Mom-I am feeling excellent young midoriya,also did you eat your breakfast and lunch today?

Alien queen-okay mom chill,hey mido,I'm feeling GREAT,how are you!


Alien queen-Hahahahaha 🤣,aahhh Allmight, wow mom ,I can't believe you got your name wrong!!

(Btw,to anyone who doesn't know Iida's actual name it's Tenya,so yeah,but I'm pertty sure y'all know that)

mom-SILENCE Ashido,you have no rights to correct me ,when I know I've made a mistake

Green broccoli-guys ,guys chill,it's not that big of a deal,but um ,I'm feeling good as well!

Hardboi-hey ,could you guys chill on your little chat ,me and ka-myself are trying to sleep right now Kay?

Alien queen-ooohhh~,your sleeping kaminari aren't you ,ooooohhhh~~~~

Mom-ASHIDO?!?!?,DONT you dare say such things like that on here,do you understand!!!

Alien queen-mom chill,I can hear you screaming all the way from your dorm,no need to be serious bruh

Pikachu-no,Iida ,she right tho~,I was ,no not was ,AM,sleeping with kirishima,haha~

Hardboi-kaminari?!?!,how could you say such a secret?!?!?

Pink cheeks-aaawww,you and kaminari are dating?!?!,that's so cute!,deku,when are you and bakugo gonna start dating?!?!

Green broccoli-0//////////0,uraraka-San,uumm why do you say that???

Alien queen-cause well,it's pretty obvious that you LOVE him,hehe

Pikachu-yeah midoriya,she has a point,you always get flustered around him

Hardboi-heh,yep ya do

Mom-even tho it's a interruption in hero work ,I do indeed agree with my fellow classmates and friends midoriya

Frog face-yeah,it's true midoriya,you've been acting very flustered like around bakugo

Icy hot-yeah,I agree

Green broccoli-ugh,GUYS?!?!,really0////0,well yeah um,there's actually something I need to tell you all,but not yet

Alien queen-aaawww,come on broccoli,please tell us ,I mean if you didn't want us to ask or know yet ,you shouldn't have said anything at all!,I mean like,right everyone?

Everyone agreed

Green broccoli-well uhh,srry can't talk right now uhh,gotta go!,bye!

Green broccoli has left chat
Pikachu,mom,hardboi,pink cheeks,frog face,and icy hot has left chat

Alien queen-aaawww,I wanted to know!!!!!
Alien queen has left chat

Izuku POV continued
Om -Allmight ,that was close ,I look up to see the older bakugo looking even horrid then he already looked , "uuuuhh,kachan?,are you there?...........uuhhh kachan?",he then comes out of the older kachans room ,with his face down,he walked up to me then sat beside me still looking down ,okay something is definitely wrong with kachan I tap his shoulder "uuhh,kachan you okay? what did you see?",then I see I smile creep onto his face ,I blush a little at the sudden reaction but then horrified right after when he looked at me "K-KACCHAN?!?!?!?!,WHAT HAPPENED?!?!!?!,WHA-WHAT DID HE SHOW YOU?!?!? Kacchan had the same face that the older kachan did,WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!

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