Day three part two

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while ,I know some peeps I bet are like RRREEEEE,so yeah ,really sorry about that ,enjoy!(also ,whenever I see that picture I just can't stop laughing ,my friend is putting it up on animo,I allowed her to,but yes ,I am the creator of this Beautiful peace of shit)
Katsuki POV
I just realized what we-I just did to Izuku ,like we didn't do anything dirty ,but it was odd,I mean I've just been so messed up towards him ,and others......well I dont really care if I'm messed up towards extras cause well there extras ,but to Izuku that was messed up for me to have done such a thing,but he didn't seem upset ,and well I think he liked the kiss,I mean yes ,I know we might have developed feelings for eacother ,but ,what if ,for him,what if it was just a phase ,I was laying at the side of him in the bed with him snuggling close to me,having the thought of his likings towards me just a phase ,made me annoyed?,frustrated?,upset?,sad?,no ,it made me ............scared, but ,I ,I don't want to loose him ,I-I LOVE HIM TO MUCH!!!!!,I don't wanna lose him EVER,he means so much to me,My vision becomes blurry as my eyes are being filled of tears,full of complete fear ,I look at Izuku,smiling at him,hoping he does truly love m-,oh wait ,heh,stupid me ,he- HE DOES LOVE ME!!!,I mean cause welll...........umm ....erm,well,shoot ,I was the only one who said it love you', not him ,but what did he say to me when I told him that?,I tap Izukus nose lightly,just enough for him to wake up "wh-what is it kachan", " can we go somewhere today?,I was thinking maybe we could pay my older self a visit,do you want to?",it's like that was like complete full on coffee,cause he automatically jumped out of bed , releasing himself out of my arms with excitement , " *laughs with so much joy*,I would love to go kachan!!!",seeing him smile made me feel warm inside and a little less scared ,okay well,maybe he MIGHT love me for real,BUT just a little,I get out of bed ,and walk up to him ,putting my arms around his waist ,and gently pressing my forehead against his ,gazing into his emerald,forest green eyes , " okay ,good ,let's go,okay?,and ,we need to get dressed,so I'll come back to your dorm when I'm done,okay?",he nods ,and once he did I give his a quick passionate kiss on the cheek,he smiled and did such a soft chuckle,HOW DOES THIS DUDE MAKE ME LOVE HIM EVEN MORE?!?!?!,I really didn't wanna leave each other's grasp yet ,so I asked , " but ,uh , can we just ,please,stay like this a little while longer ,I like it ,it feels right",he gazes into my eyes ,and replied , "of course ,kachan~",it made me blush on how seductively he said my name,,then before I knew he ,he was on his tip toes,giving me his best kiss,I laugh into the kiss,on how determined he was ,so to make easier for him ,I break the kiss and say , " hey,how about I sit on the bed ,and you can sit on my lap,will that make it easier cause *laughs*,just seeing you try your hardest is so adorably funny *laughs*", Izuku starts to blush  ,and nods ,I sit on bed ,then when I do ,he comes to sit on my lap,as he sits down he makes direct eye contact,it was a soft gaze,it makes me blush a little ,he's on my lap,still gazing into my eyes with his forest green/emerald eyes,he brings himself closer to my face then it already is ,and we share a short passionate kiss,even tho it was small,it was enough to satisfy me ,we break the kiss,a string of saliva still connected us together,I say with a crimson red face "you ready to go now?,Izuku?~",he nods and and gets off my lap,I get up as well,he goes to his dorm to go change ,as I start to change as well.

Time skip to them walking out of the dorms in their outfits

Izuku POV
We were walking out of the dorms ,with our hands inter twined ,and decided to have small talk "so uh ,Izuku ,umm ,your outfit ,looks cute ,hopefully that older version of me can control ,himself*laughs a little*,i look at me clothing ,i was wearing a dark navy blue sweater that had white stripes on it ,and I had black skinny jeans,I blush at kacchans comment (btw ,my cousin told that kacchan is actually spelt with two c's ,so yeah stupid me), " well ,kachan you look ,well *laughs*,I can't say you look cute,so I think you look ////////h-hot",kacchan realeases his grasp from my hand ,and put his hand on my waist ,and pulls me close to his side "thanks Izuku", (BRUH ,why you gotta say my name like dat, JK), I blush even more at his response,then wanting join him is his little game ,I put my hand in his back jean pocket, " your welcome , kachan(giggles)",kachan was wearing a black tank,a blue jacket around his waist ,and then some jeans ( bruh honestly,this what I be wearing on a daily basis tho),I saw him blush a little at my reaction "what ever nerd",I smile to myself,soon enough ,we made it to well,to the older version of kachans apartment,we knocked on the door ,and the door opens to a kachan who looked like he got fucked ,he was drooling and his face was crimson red ,kacchan looked mad " OI,WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING YOU STUPID HEAD?!?!?!", " *laughs really weird*, nothing hehehe~",(he sounded like kaminari when he be like dur dur) ,kacchan asks again ,but more fierce " WHAT.weRE.YUo.doing*low growl*",the older kacchan welcomed us into his very clean apartment,what the hex was he doing?!?!?!

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