Day three part one

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Older katsuki POV
I swear to almight ,if I find out my younger self didn't record it ,I'm gonna kill him ,so I scroll through my phone (btw,he still has his phone that is from the year normal kachan got his phone),I go into records ,to see it there ,phew everything is going to plan.

Normal katsuki
I feel myself warm and actually comfortable,and........and it felt like my hand was in someone's shirt ,what the???!!!,I open my eyes to see that I was sleeping with deku.....WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!.........and.......and my h-hand is in h-his sh-shirt ,heh,I can't wait to see his reaction ,when he wakes up,he's gonna be a fricken tomatoe colored broccoli,this is gonna be fun,I start to feel his muscles more ,they were like cinder blocks,and so defined to ,it makes me blush,I start to feel around more ,I felt the heat rise in my face ,I knew it was probably wrong ,but I just -I just .....I just needed to ,soon he wakes up a little ,and I guess he felt my hand on him ,but he was half asleep and he didn't know ,so he pushed my even more him(like his waist),it felt so smooth and strong,I continue feel him ,all the way up to his neck,and THATS when he woke up ,he noticed what I was doing and said "k-ka-kachan w-what a-are you d-doing?!?!?!",he said with a really red blush across his face ,I said to him,removing my hand quickly and getting out of the bed " I-i-I am s-sososososososo sorry Izuku,I just -I just *sighs*,I just needed to ,okay?",he nods still blushing really hard ,but I guess he kinda understood?,idk,but he forgave me ,wanting to know actually REALLY BADLY ,I ask " uh-umm,d-did -did you uumm *clears voice*,did you like it?~",he started blushing,and looking away ,I heard him say in a voice only I could possibly hear " y-yeah~",I blush at his answer ,just staring at him shocked ,he looked at me to see my expression,his eyes got wide ,and it seems even more green,and looked away,damn ,he couldn't even say anything,I walk up to the bed ,going on my knees ,and having my elbows and the mattress and hands on my cheeks "so uh ,can I do it again~",he looks at me blushing ,wanting to reply ,but couldn't let the words escape,so he shook his head yeah,this made me smile,I crawl back in bed ,and he takes of his shirt ,I look at his chest and abs ,I almost got a nosebleed ,just looking at them ,I ask in a shocked and flustered voice " h-how did th-this happen,y-you-your so defined ,like yeah,I have this to ,but when did you get this this?!?!",I said in a whisper shout ,he laughed a little and said " welll,*laughs*,idk",seeing his smile and him blushing was just amazing,I get on top of him ,looking at him ,I wasn't gonna do anything,I just wanted to just touch him, " k-kachan?,what are you g-gonna do?",I answer " don't worry Izuku ,I'm not gonna do anything dirty ,I just ,want to touch you ,and that's all,I promise",he nodded ,and as soon as I knew he was okay with it ,I started to rub my thumbs in a circle formation,on his hips,for a little bit "hey ,Izuku,is this okay?".

Izuku POV
Kachans voice is so lulling and deep and calm,it just makes me blush, " hey,Izuku,is this okay?",him saying that was so sweet it made me stutter "y-yeah ,it's o-ah~-okay",OMG I CANT BELIEVE I JUST MOANED?!?!,he had a blush on his face ,that was the color of crimson red,I say "om,i-I'm so sorry kacha-", " no,Izuku it's okay ,it's just ,I wanted to do this ,but I will stop if it gets to heated okay?",he said reassuringly,I nod my head as he continued to rub my hips ,but I soon got tired of it ,and said "ka-kachan ,can you go lower,please kachan~",I've never seen anyone blush even deeper then crimson red ,but hey,kachan did ,ahem ,but anyways ,he said "yeah,sure Izuku",he went lower ,it felt really nice ,but it was a pretty close to my lower region,kachan noticed ,I started to get heated ,and stopped "okay,I don't want anything happening (yet),in this bed ,ya know ,cause well it's morning ,and uh-well ,the teachers would get mad ,if they saw a new like this ,especially four eyes",he looks away a little ,what he said made me laugh,he looked at me and smiled ,and soon enough we were just gazing on another's eyes ,he brought his face close to mine ,it was like time was slowing down,then tips of our noses touch,I get so nervous ,but I wanted this ,then we shared a passionate kiss for the first time ,it was so soft ,and so sweet ,then kachan bit my lower lip asking for an entrance (to VEGAS YALL,jk),I let him in ,it was like fireworks ,my mind was being filled with all the times I was with kachan ,when we were younger , all the happy times we shared ,I loved it ,it made me so happy,but then we had to break the kiss ,our saliva still connected ,to eacothers tongues,gasping for air ,he looks into my eyes  ,as I look into his ,I said in a soft voice "wow,that was our first kiss,can-can  we do it again?",he nodded ,and we kissed a again ,I loved the feeling ,it was like we were one ,it made feel so happy ,I wanted this moment to last forever ,but soon enough it ended ,he looked at me ,and asked " how-how did that feel?,what did it feel like to you ,Izuku?",I say " it felt like fireworks ,bursting high and bright ,and it felt warm,and loving ,and ,I wanna do it again",I said the last part with a small laugh,he laughed as well,then he said "good ,I wanna do it again to",then we kissed AGAIN,I like this ,it feels good ,it feels right,it feels........happy.

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