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Izuku POV
I was in my room, for a little bit, still embarrassed about me kissing kachan on the cheek and his reply,after I feel calmed down, I walk out my room, to see that kachan, was about to eat without me, but I guess he already a little bit of his food already, I mean,I guess I don't mind that much, so I walk over to my spot, I look at kachan, greeting him with a smile, he greeted me with a nod, and a little smile, it was enough to make me blush,I sit down to eat, I took a bite, it tasted so good, it made me feel really happy, I love kachan s food, "so umm, uh, deku, I was wondering, do y-you wanna go to the park with me?, please?", I look at him, with my mouth stuffed with my food, I put my pointer finger up , until I swallow my food and reply, " well, of course kachan!",I say smiling and almost jumping into the air, I notice kachan blushing, I gotta say he's been blushing a lot, I ask " hey-uh, kachan, I've noticed you've been blushing a lot, are you sick?", I walk over to him, to check his forehead to see if it was hot, he was shaking his head, but I still checked his forehead, and since I couldn't really feel the temperature of his forehead, I used my lips, I brung my lips to forehead , and I guess kachan wanted to know what I was about to do, so he looked up, and as soon as he did, I had accidentally kissed him on he lips, I was blushing like crazy, then I quickly moved away , even more flustered then I already was , omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg, I can't believe I just did that, he looked away blushing, but he didn't seem mad, then he got up, then looked at me and said, " izuku, let's go to the park", he grabbed my hand gently, and brought us to the door, and released my hand and gave me my shoes, and started putting his on, I did the same as well, then, he held my hand once again, and we were out the door, I guess we were in a hurry in getting there, cause he was walking pretty fast, then minutes later, we were out of the building, and going to the park, then he started to walk normally, I felt more calmed at that, then instead of me behind him as were were holding hands, I was beside him, I look at him smiling, as he was forward having a serious, face , I loved all of his expressions, they were all so serious, but I loved it when he had a calmed,relaxed, and yet still serious face, like he has now, he looked at me, and smiled, then looked in front of him, I did as well, minutes later, I feel his hand being placed on my hip, since I thought it was a bit low, I put my hand above his,a nd placed his hand on my waist, I look at him smiling, he looked at me blushing with that expression I love, and look away still blushing, and since I wanted to tease him a bit, I put my hand his back pocket, causing him to blush, I smile to myself, hm, I like this, I like this a lot, soon we were at the park, we walked to a picnic table, and sat across from each other, gazing into his eyes, he did as well, "sooo, um , izuku, uuh-,um , that kiss, I-I, uh , I didn't mean to lift my head up sorry, heh", how he looked away with this look I'd never seen before, and how the moonlight perfectly tintied his face, as light shade of pink was spread across his cheeks, i couldn't help but say "kachan,your so beautiful", he looked at me , surprised by the choice of words I used , then he gazed into my eyes, "well, uuhhh, um , uh , thank you, izuku, you look beautiful as well", I couldnt help but blush,I gaze into his as well ,they were like eternal burning rubies full of so much strength,yet they were also like blooming orange flower,then he comes to sit next to ,I scooched  aside ,getting captured in his eyes again ,he asked me "Izuku,c-can-can I ask you something?,it's -uh ,it's really Important to me",I say "yeah~,of course kachan",I've never felt so happy yet so urged to want to kiss him ,he got closer to me ,putting his hand on top of mine ,I faces got closer "Izuku......I.....I think I......l-love y-you", I say to him "y-yeah me to", I close my eyes ,and soon feel something touch my lips................but ,they weren't lips ,kachan put his hand over my mouth ,I look at him ,his head was down ,I was about to ask what was wrong but, before I could I saw a teardrop fall to the ground,I remove his hand and bring him close "it's okay kachan ,I'm -im sorry ,it's to soon for you huh?,but,don't worry ,I'll wait ,I'll wait for as long as I have to...okay?",he looked at me with a few tears that had threatened to drop and a small blush across his cheeks, " wi-will you wait for me Izuku?",I smile softly and nod my head,and gently bring him back into a hug,I don't really like waiting,but for kachan?,I will wait for years and years if I have to,I want to tell him that ,but I think I said enough, " hey kachan ,you wanna start heading home?,we don't wanna oversleep for school?",I notice that he had Fallen asleep,dang THAT FAST?!?!,that's like a world record,but I pick him up bridal style,he was a taller than me ,but I was able to hold his weight ,his head tilted into my hair,I felt him nuzzling my hair and softly growling ,it made me blush ,but I ignore it ,I use my quirk ,so we can get to the dorms quickly,it took us five minutes ,soon enough we reached my dorm,I freed my hand a little and opened my door ,and closed it when I was in my dorm ,I brought him to my room,and gently placed him in my bed ,I took his and my shoes off ,and I joined him in my bed,I held him close to me,I like this ,I like this.....a lot.


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