Older izuku

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I think this is gonna be my favorite chapter of the book. Also this is not the last day ,it's just the day before it's the last day...of that makes sense

Older Izuku POV
"Kacchan has been gone for a while and it's been worrying me" I say to uraraka on the phone "well deku has he answered his phone?" "I actually didn't try that" I ended the call and tried calling kacchan and it said this phone number doesn't exist "huh, m-maybe kacchan got a new phone maybe?" I texted Kirishima

Izuku:hey Kirishima,did kacchan get a new phone?


Izuku:oh ok ,thanks Kirishima

Kirishima:no problem bro!😸

Well ,guess kacchan is just really busy at our wonder duo society? I started to get worry when I thought of something that scared me to the core 'does kacchan not live me anymore?', tears started to fill my eyes ' I hope that's not it' I got a text from uraraka

Uraraka: hey deku! Did he respond?

I didn't respond ,I went to my room and sat on my bed and scrolled through some pictures me and kacchan took on my phone

(Pictures they took)

(Pictures they took)

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'I miss him',I continue scrolling through some more when I found a video "I-I don't remember making this video"I say as I press play on the video

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'I miss him',I continue scrolling through some more when I found a video "I-I don't remember making this video"I say as I press play on the video.

The video
Kacchan was setting up the video on his shelf, he was wearing his highschool uniform and sat on his bed in front of the phone "*sigh*h-how should I say this,but ugh..........I-I think I l-love deku" he had blushed a lot after he had said that "but I highly ,HIGHLY doubt he could ever love me ,I mean COME.ON. I've been a jerk to him forever" tears started to form in the corner in his eyes "but*shudder*.........but I would still be okay if he could forgive , I-I mean he doesn't have to love me ,I would at least be happy if I knew he forgave me for all the things I've done ,even though I don't deserve it.........well uh *sniff*.....yeah that's for this week"
End video
I felt blood rush to my face "oh kacchan ,my love......if only you knew at that time" I say smiling hugging my phone. 'I wonder if he made any more' ,I scroll some more until I found when he looked really happy.

The video
"Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!" He seemed really happy ,he set his phone on the shelf and he was laughing of joy. He fell onto his bed and started to speak "deku loves me!!!!, I heard him talking with stupid pink cheeks and he told her he loved me!!!!!!!" He jumped from the bed and started saying more details and silly things "well now since I know he loves me....."he started smiling happily to himself when he had said that "what should I do?...should just go to him and ask him to date me a-and then confess my feelings later on?-UGH no katsuki that's dumb" he had started to walk in circles " hhmmm.......maybe I could-ah no that wouldn't work either.......",he walked around some more when he then suddenly stopped "OH-*sinister laugh* I know what to do~"
Video end

I had started laughing at kacchan for how ridiculously silly he was in highschool by himself ,I wanted to at least find one more.....until I found one of him as an adult and he wasn't in his room ,he was somewhere quite familiar...

The video
"O-ok katsuki you can do this .YOU CAN DO THIS ,he has to say yes" he set the phone down and had gotten it ready ,he was dressed in a plaid shirt with some jeans "alright Izuku!,can you come here for a sec?" Then I saw myself walk towards him giving him a hug ,we were about release when we had gotten trapped in each others eyes "yes kacchan?,what did you need?" He had let go and had let me look around "Izuku,do you remember this place?" "Oh kacchan! Of course I remember!*laughs*" I had run to katsuki pushing him to the ground ,we gazed into one another's eyes ,when he then said "Izuku?" "Yeah kacchan?" "You wanna get married?" We had both laughed ,then I answered "of course....ya damn nerd" I said jokingly ,we both were laughing.
Video end

I guess I hadn't noticed but I had started tearing up and laughing "he recorded his proposal to me *laughing and sobbing*i love you so so much kacchan" I had laughed some more ,just completely filled with happiness "he has to come back.......he has to" I smile knowing that kacchan loves me,I wipe away my tears "I should get ready to surprise him for when he comes back!" I say smiling dashing out of my room and out the house with my wallet ,I'm gonna show him how much I love him.

Some time later

I lay out all of the decorations on my table "now since I have everything,I just need to get some help!" I call uraraka-San, Iida-kun, and Kirishima-Kun to help me put up the decorations for kacchans arrival. They soon came and started to soon help me decorate,uraraka and Iida we're putting up decorations,while me and kirishima made a cake. "So um midoriya! How come your doing this all so sudden?" I looked at him and smiled "well ,I just have a feeling he will be coming soon and well I miss him up and would like to show him how much I love him for when he return!*laughs*" he smiled back in return and said "well,I think you should do it as well! I mean it seems to be really important ,so I'm really glad you called me so I can help! So uuhh...thanks" he put his hand on my shoulder ,while I put my hand on my other shoulder ,we both smiled then started to laugh at how silly I was being and started to continue making the cake.soon enough we were done ,so we went out of the kitchen and went to where uraraka and Iida were "hey guys! Is there anything me and midoriya can do?" "Sure kiri!, can you help is with the lights?" We nodded our heads and started to help.

Time skip to finishing putting up decorations

Time skip to finishing putting up decorations

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I look around in awe "guys....thank you so much!....it's beautiful" i turn to my friends and smile, they smiled in return "so deku-kun! Do you know when Bakugo will come back?!" "Well no,but ,I just have a feeling that he will be here very soon".

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