Day 1 part one

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(If you click on the picture ,you'll get it)

Izuku POV
This is so confusing ,I mean ,yes I understand that kachan was hit by a quirk ,but ,a person with a quirk like this?,I mean ,HOW?,honestly it scares me ,it gives me chills,soon enough,my kachan comes into the room,with a look of horror in his eyes,then he sits on his bed still looking horrified ,what happened,I sat by him ,and asked " what's wrong kachan,did the older the older kachan do something to you?,if he did ,I'll make sure he doesn't do it again",he looked at me ,and gave me a look like 'really?',then he laughed,I love it when kachan laughs,since he was I guess feeling better ,I said " so what happened ,hm?,how long will he be staying?",he fixed his position,and looked right in the eyes,but not in a creepy way ,but a gentle way and said "*sighs*,a whole ,fricken week,and I have to deal with him bothering my deku", when he said 'my deku',I automatically blushed and repeated what he said to me "*chuckles*, 'my deku'?",he looked away from me and started blushing , " almight-dammit deku ,you must have a lot of ear wax ears ,I said you deku",I giggle at his response " ok kachan ,whatever you say" , " hey deku ,I'll-uh-umm , see ya later ,and also ,don't mess with my stuff alright",I nodded my head in response ,and he left,a few moments later ,kachan and older kachan walked in and just looked at me with creepy smiles ,that made me really nervous, to break the awkwardness that was around there creepy smiles ,I said sweetly " u-uuuhhh guys?,u-umm ,w-why a-are you guys a-staring at me like th-that?" " well my precious young Izuku, katsuki has something to ask you",he nudged kachan a bit closer to me ,I have never seen kachan so red,oh almight ,he's probably really mad at me ,what did I do?,he spoke "deku,I-uh-uuuhhh-u-I-uuuuummmm ,you w-wanna h-hang out?",kachan wants to hang out with me?,this made me so happy,I fact it made me so happy ,that I jumped onto kachan laughing ,and hugging on the ground ,smiling " yea,OF COURSE KACHA-",om-almight,what the heck am I doing?,I get up as quick as I can covering my face except my eyes, I look over at the older kachan ,who was helping up my kachan and laughing ,why is he laughing?,when kachan got up ,he looked away ,and I was still I guess blushing and said " damn deku ,no need to over react ,it's not that big of a deal,and HEY IDIOT ,COULD YA QUIT LAUGHING!!!!!",the older kachan stopped laughing ,and walked over to me ,and held my hand ,gently kissing it,and said "so do you want to 'hang out' with kachan",he was making me blush,but I replied " yes ,I want to hang out with kachan",I looked at kachan who  looked upset ,and really jealous,I wonder why ,I mean we're going to be hanging out ,oh wait ,I bet I know why ,I think older kachan forced him to ,well ,at least I get to be with my kachan,once older kachan was done kissing my hand ,he got up and said " well ,I guess I'll be showing you guys where you hang out",me and kachan looked at older kachan ,my kachan said " wait ,your choosing ,well shoot ,I can already tell this gonna go down horribly",I asked " well ,older kachan where ar-", "no,no ,please Izuku don't call me 'older kachan',please call me bakustay",I laughed at what he said,I didn't know 'bakustay' was funny ,I looked at kachan who was blushing ,then he walked over to me and said " *groans*,tch,come on deku let's go to this stupid place the idiot is gonna take us",then 'bakustay' said " Yes katsuki!,let's Bakugo!",once again he made me laugh ,I look at kachan who was smiling at me this time, I smile back at him ,and soon enough we were staring listfully into one another's eyes,until I caught bakustay staring at us smiling ,I swear he knows something that he and it seems kachan won't tell me ,I wonder what it is ,soon enough ,we made it to the place " om-almight ,I haven't been here for years!",I look at bakustay who was smiling a bunch at the place we were at ,before I could get a good look at it, kachan covered my eyes and said "oh deku ,ya can't look yet okay?,I want it to be a surprise,because I said so", "oh,but please kachan?,can I just have a little look?", "no deku,you can't", "okay kachan,*sigh*fine", I really do wonder where we are ,I mean shoot ,bakustay looked like he was about to cry just lookin at the place , for some reason ,I feel weird,like something was close to me ,so I stepped a bit closer ,to whatever was infront of me ,but when I did I felt something press against my lips ,but then move away quickly,soon after that ,I heard bakustay laughing really hard and kachan yelling at him ,what is going on?,I open my eyes to see bakustay on the ground dying of laughter,and kachan almost about to blow off bakustay's face ,so I ran infront of kachan ,and asked "hey uh kachan?,uuummmm I was wondering,what was going on while my eyes were closed?",once I asked that ,kachan turned really red ,and he yelled "NOTHING DEKU!!!",in my face ,I looked at the ground felling a bit hurt by what he said "s-sorry ka-k-kachan",I walked away ,but not like far away cause well we're at a park me and kachan used to go to so.........wait ........THE PARK?!?!?!,I run to check the secret place me and kachan used to go to ,I really loved it ,once I got there ,I was so happy ,I thought I was about to cry,it was still here ,I crawled in ,and it seems that some of me and kachans stuff were still in here ,because I saw a small chest covered in vines all around,then I ripped the vines off the chest to see what was inside ,it was a locket,sure it was a bit rusty,but I thought it was beautiful,I noticed I was able to open the lock ,so I did obviously,and inside I saw a picture of me and kachan as kids..........and..................hey....I remember that day.

Time skip to the day they took the picture

Little kid Izuku POV
"Hey kachan ,what did you want to show me", "well Izuku come on,it's a surprise,so I can't tell you okay?", "*giggles*,okay kachan",soon enough we were in our special secret fort,and kachan told me to come in and sit by him ,so I did , " okay Izuku ,look ,it's for you and me",it was a heart shaped locket , " thanks kachan!,but why is it a heart?", " well,DONT you love me Izuku?", " yeah kachan ,all the time!!",I said with a smile,I saw kachan blushing a little ,but he didn't care " well good ,cause I love you to ,so that's why I got this locket for you and me ,so we can take a picture together?,okay?", "*giggles*,okay kachan!,do you have a camera kachan?", " well of course Izuku,now say cheese!" , since I loved kachan so much I said this and did this "I love you kachan!",then I kissed him on the cheek when the picture was taken , he looked at me blushing " do you really love me Izuku?" ,I smiled at him and said " yeah kachan!,I already told you ,I love you all the time!!" , " good Izuku,me too"

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