Day five part one

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OKAY so if some of you were wondering why it says day five is because ,the last two chapters were basically day four ,um also I'm really sorry for taking a while,there's been a lot going on ,like school,hunting for a new house ,chores,so yeah,now let's get to it

Normal kachan POV
Ugh ,of course Izuku would do this,me and were battling rock paper ,and scissors,we kept on tying which was making me REALLY MAD,soon enough ,I won and ran into the bathroom,it took me about like five minutes ,then I came out of the bathroom,only to be pushed down by my older self so he could get past me ,I got up giving him a glare and exiting the apartment 'now ,where did Izuku day he was gonna go?........oh yeah ,phfft duh ,he said he was gonna go get icecream' I dashed to the Icecream truck/thing/whatever and spotted Izuku getting him self some ice cream,his favorite flavor of ice cream,then I saw him getting another one ,damn ,I didn't know he loved ice cream that much ,I jogged up to him "Oi Izuku,I didn't know you liked ice cream enough to get yourself tw-", "oh ,hey kachan!,here I got you one,I'm about to get the older kachan some ice cream*giggles*",I take the ice cream and take a lick ,and blush "yo-you remember Izuku?",he had gotten my older self some ice cream already ,he gazed at me "*laughs lightly*,of course kachan!",he smiled his pure beautiful smile ,I smile back,feeling myself blush even harder and lick my ice cream "thank you ,my beautiful Izuku" , "your welcome ,my sweet amazing kachan" we gaze into one another's eyes feeling .........happy,then soon enough I hear cameras clicking ,me Izuku look up to see ,raccoon eyes,stupid hair ,damned pikachu,floaty girl,and my older self taking pictures , "UUGHHH COME O-", "come on kachan!,let's run!",I feel Izuku take my hand ,and we run "where in the world are we going Izuku?!?!?!", "a place I go to when I want to be alone?!?!*laughs*",I smile "okay Izuku!",then minutes later ,we were met up by a big tree ,I raise my eyebrow in confusion "uumm,what's this ,and uh ,my older selfs ice cream is melting",Izuku gasped "come on kachan I have to do this quick ,hold this for a second",he puts the ice cream in my hands ,and I see him pull out a key and insert it into a hole in the tree ,and then he turned it and the trunk of the tree started to open ,Izuku grabbed my hand and brought me inside along with him,closing the ........door? trunk?.....anyways he closed it and brought me down these stairs into a nice little room ,he then sits into a chair and gazed at me waiting to see my reaction "what IS this Izuku?,I mean like how long have you kept this a secret?,have you had this since we were kids?",he started to fiddle with his fingers and then walked up to me ,and took the ice cream that was in my hand and licked it "just,don't worry about it kachan, for now I wanna have some me and you time~",I take lick of the ice cream that was in his hand "oh really ,what did you have in mind", I knew he didn't mean anything like that ,so I said it normally ,he smiled "we share the ice cream!,I know it's supposed to be older kachans ,but he was taking pictures ,so now it's ours kachan~",we sit on a couch that was by us (magic couch guys)and we sat down enjoying every bit of the ice cream once there was ice cream only in the cone ,I said "you can have the rest",he then said "kachan~ how about we share the rest ~,hehe just for fun!",I blush a lot , "al-alright Izuku",we share the rest,our tongues intertwine with one another's ,battling to get the rest of the ice cream in the cone ,soon we finish it ,and start to kiss ,I bite his bottom lip gently asking for an entrance ,he lets me in ,once again our tongues intertwine,we soon break apart ,gazing into one another's eyes ,a deep blush against izuku and my face ,his forest green eyes so deep and beautiful,we soon kiss again laughing into the kiss ,soon enough I open my eyes and notice that I had pinned Izuku to the couch ,I look into Izukus eyes to see so much longing and lust, I love Izuku so much , "Izuku? ", Izuku replies gazing into my eyes "yes kachan?", i stroke his cheek "I love you",his beautiful forest green eyes started to fill up with tears ,a smile appeared on his face as he blushed "really?",he whispered I laugh "well duh,I love you so much these past few days have been the most happiest days of my life", he hugged my neck "oh kachan *sniffs* I'm so happy *sniffs* *laughs*me to kachan ,me to!",I sit Izuku on to my lap and I start giving him little kisses on his neck ,he laughs still crying a little from joy,Izuku is mine and no one could ever take him away ,not even floaty girl nor icy hot could take away my lover ,and that's that.

Older kachan POV
Ahh dammit ,where did my younger self and Izuku go?,oh wait! I know ,I mean they must be there ,and I'm guessing this is katsukis first time being there ,Izukus hollow ,I run to the destination and soon find the tree ,thank god my husband gave me a key to the tree as well ,I unlock the door quietly and hear laughter ,I close the door behind me gently and creep down the stairs ,I peek into the room to see my younger self was pinning Izuku ,I was eavesdropping on there conversation when I heard something I heard that made my heart swell with happiness "Izuku?", "yes kachan" ....... "I love you"

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