1. Oh no. No way.

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-----Damian POV

"Robin? Where are you?" I heard father call over the coms.

"Taking care of business. Next alley over." I replied curtly as I kicked a thug in the face.

Another thug screamed and ran towards the end of the alley.

I pulled out my grappling hook, but before I could shoot, Batman landing with agility in front of him. Father punched him in the face and the thug was out like a light.

"Robin." He said, walking over and looking at me expectantly.

I started to dial the police station.

"I could have handled them on my own." I said.

"I know." He said just as an officer picked up the call.

"Hello? This is Gotham police station. How my I help you?" The woman said from the other side of the line.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Father started talking.

"Unconscious thugs in an alley. Fifth alleyway from Gotham park. There's 4 of them. Accused of threatening a civilian and thievery. May have past criminal activities." He said in his famous monotone Batman voice.

"Of course, right away, Sir. Hold on." She said and we could hear a thud as she covered the phone.

"Code B! Five allies from Gotham park! There's four of 'em!" We heard her muffled voice.

I smirked. Code B.

She uncovered the phone. "Commissioner Gordon wants to meet with you at the bat signal tonight at 8. He said not to bring any of your sidekicks."

I huffed. "Why not?" Batman glared at me.

"Uh... He didn't say. No offense, Robin. We all know you're a great hero, my son looks up to you, but Commissioner wants Batman only so, uh... That's really up to you whether you listen to him or not Batman." She said.

"That's okay. Tell him I'll meet him there tonight." Batman said.

I hung up.

Father turned around and grappled to the top of the building. I followed and once I got up there, he was looking at me, his face emotionless. I prepared for a lecture.

"You did good tonight." He said.

I blinked in surprise. Was he complementing me?

"Uh. Thanks." I mentally smacked myself for sounding so dumb.

He laughed and I released my tense muscles, the ones I didn't know I had coiled.

"You were listening to the officer weren't you?" He asked, amused.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked, thinking about how I couldn't go to meet Gordon.

"Her son looks up to you. You're a hero in their eyes now. You've done well."

I didn't know what to say. I went from the crazy new Robin who both worked for Batman and randomly attacked him, to a hero. It wasn't every night that Batman complimented anyone either.

Wait. What was he up to?

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned, tensing again.

"I'm just impressed that's all." He answered, turning and walking across the roof, towards the building with the bat signal.


He jumped to the next roof and I followed. Slow paced, obviously he had bad news. But why had he waited until tonight to tell me? He couldn't have gotten the news while we were on patrol.

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