15. That's Gotham

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I didn't make the above picture, I found it on another Wattpad story. I used it. Things this awsome need to be shared with every Batman Wattpader.

-----Jason POV

Jason get back to your post!

Batwing whisper yelled through our coms. I obviously ignored him, it was the smarter and more mature move for me. How could anyone even consider listening to that idiot?

Especially with lives on the line. Bruce and Damian's lives.

Sure we aren't closest family, but we are family. And I'd never admit it out loud, but I still love them both, it would kill me if they died.

I grabbed the edge of the window seal and prepared to open it. Then I quickly slid through and jumped quietly onto some thin metal grating. I peered through the holes and over the edge, spotting a truck, it was large and square. A small moveable prision cell, Arkham used those when they needed to pick up multiple goons from Gotham.

Probably where they were keeping Bruce and Damian, at least until they decided what to do with them. Maybe they already had. What if they are already dead?

I panicked slightly, but then I saw the whole container jerk slightly. Some muffled yelling came from inside.


Well. That was most definitely Damian.

Jason! Where are you?!?! Tim asked from the com unit.

Jeez, did they think I couldn't handle myself?

"I found Damian. Go two rooms left of my useless post, through the window, and onto a metal bridge. You'll see me there." I took my finger off the com unit and not long after, there was a cluster of bat and birds next to me.

"Good job, Hood." Batwoman said.

"Yeah sure. Hood! Get back to your post!" I mocked.

"Oh shut up. Where's Dami-" Luke was cut off by a yell.

"LET ME OUT! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU'RE DEALING WI-" Damian stopped yelling as the container shook again. "AHHHHH!" He screamed angrily and banging was heard.

Those were probably his fists.

I smirked and jumped off the metal bridge, onto the ground below. Several thumps sounded behind me and I grinned as the assassins started shouting in alarm. I pulled my guns out their holsters and took aim.

—————Dick POV

The plan was to rescue Bruce and Damian. Our team split into two and one went straight into Cross Industries covertly. They would sneak in through any windows that overlap the building with another. It shouldn't be too hard, this is Gotham after all.

The other team went in through the front entrance, as a distraction. We couldn't shut down all the cameras without causing alarm, but we could divert the attention and draw most of the enemies somewhere else.

But of course, when has our plans ever gone right?

The team that goes in coverty ended up finding Damian, before the team that was a distraction entered the building. Hopefully Bruce is with Damian, because if not....

We're screwed.

Dick! Where is team A?!?! Batwing asked over the coms.

Yeah, sorry about that subconscious. Team A is the distraction team and Team Batman, which was supposed to just be Team B, but nobody listens to the cripple, is the covert team.

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