13. Battle of The Manor

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——————Bruce POV

I feel myself come into consciousness, but don't move. My hands and feet are bound tightly, I can't test if I could get out of them or not without moving, but I stay still. Something- No. Someone small is pressed up against my chest, breathing in small breaths.

I listen to the sound of their breathing, short and quick. So not an adult, child. I'd say 8-13. We're on the ground, I can't tell what type because I have no skin contact, I'm still in my Batman suit, cowl is still on. The ground might be concrete, or hard wood. Those are the most common.

Suddenly the memories of our capture come crashing back and I resist the urge to frown. So this is Damian next to me. I'm upset. They took is down way too fast, I didn't even get the chance to attack or identify them. They also cut off communication with Dick.

Oh no. The enemy would go after Dick next. No, Dick can win. There was only one and it won't catch him by surprise like it did us. He's calling back up. Luke and Kate most likely. Then because me and Damian were captured, he'd probably called Tim and Jason.

Damian stirred next to me and I knew immediately this wasn't Damian. That's not how he wakes up. Unless he's faking it, but there is no reason for him to. I tense at this realization, but then go fully limp again. Dammit. I hope they weren't watching.

"Good Morning beloved."

Well. It was just hope anyway.

I open my eyes and struggle to sit up. Talia walks forward and grabs my shoulders, helping me sit up. I scowl at her.

"Where's Damian?" I demand.

"Why, you really can't be fooled can you?" She asks, taking out her gun.

I stay silent, eyes on Talia's face. What game is she playing?

She lifts the gun swiftly and shoots to her left. A thud sounds and I whip my head that direction, seeing the child dead on the floor. A small male child, with black hair, maybe 10. Guilt pulls at my gut as I realize I could have saved him if I had just pretended I didn't know it was a fake that had been next to me.

"Don't worry Bruce. Nobody will miss him." She says sweetly.

I turn my head to her and give her the bat glare. She visibly flinches and then smiles.

"Well, now I know I got under that thick skin of yours." She says, putting the gun back in the holster on her waist.

"Where's Damian?" I growl, thinking of how easy it was for her to kill the small child and the clone of her child. How easy would it be for her to kill him?

"Safe. I wouldn't kill him, I have a heart you know." She says.

"Lies." I said with venom.

"You know, you should be more kind to those who hold you captive." She says.

"You should surrender now, because I'm going to beat the hell out of you for messing with my sons." I say in retaliation.

"Mmmm. Our sons. How my eldest son Richard by the way?" She asks.

"THEY ARE NOT YOUR SONS!" I yell at her and she smiles.

"Look at those rampaging emotions Bruce!" She exclaimed. "If you don't like talking about it, I'll just ask him when he gets here."

My eyes widen. "What did you do?"

"Same thing I did to get you here." She says.

"Dick can take down one man and he'll have help. You won't take him." I said, but deep down I knew the odds were much worse than that. Talia is no fool.

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