14. Escape

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—————3rd POV

Tim growled and slammed his hand down on the bat computer's keyboard. Luckily it was made for that. Alfred knew it would have to be durable for whenever Bruce was angry. Tim cursed and held his hand tightly.

"Calm down Tim, tell us what's wrong." Dick said in a soothing voice.

"Damian's track has been disabled. Bruce doesn't even have one! How am I supposed to find them?" He brushed his hand through his hair, stressed.

"Don't worry. I'm sure we can get them back online." Dick soothed.

"Talia doesn't usually destroy technology anyway, she just hands it off to her tech slaves and has them change them into something that can be used for her. They probably are just going to cast the signal from us to themselves and stick it it someone else." Jason explained.

"I'll help. Learned a few tricks from my dad." Luke said, walking closer and looking at the screen.

"Why don't we just call your dad for help?" Kate asked.

"You can. Me, Dick, and especially Tim can't." Luke said, reaching over Tim's shoulder to point at an area of cellular interference. Tim tapped into it.

"I feel so worthless right now." Kate mumbled, pulling a metal box out of her suit's leg pocket.

A huge dent laid across the side and she strained to pull it open. Finally it popped open and a few peices of her phone fell out. She groaned and turned to Mallory, the only other unoccupied person. Other than Jason of corse, but he was a little scary.

"Can I burrow your phone?"

Mallory shook her head. "I didn't have time to bring my phone."

Mallory frowned and sunk into the shadows, leaning against the cave wall, her blacka armour blended in, making her almost invisible. Kate looked at the boys on the computer and then turned to Jason.

"I need your phone." He smirked and took a metal box out, tossing it to her.

"Password." She tossed it back after opening it.

He caught it, but looked up when the bat computer's alarm system was set off. Tim quickly turned it off and started typing quickly. Code sprayed across the screen, split between two forces. Layers added against the other, being vetoed by the new code.

"What happening?" Jason asked.

"Someone is hacking the computer. Amateur. I'll have them trapped in a minute, hold on." Tim said distantly.

Suddenly the text appearing from the bottom stopped and Tim smiled triumphantly.

What do you want? Tim texted to the person, whose device was currently being controlled by Tim.

I can help you find Batman and Robin. They replied.


I put a tracker on them. It hasn't been disabled.

Whats in it for you?

Nothing. I just want justice.

Where are they?


Tim immediately opened another screen and typed the coordinates in.

Cross Industries

The second most poweful corporation in Gotham. That made lots of sense really, the only question was, why hadn't they received an alarm that someone was there?

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