16-21. Fall of the Assassins

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-----Alfred POV

I woke up on the floor. It was quite disturbing to see the destruction and ruin inside the Manor, but I could ignore it for now. It wasn't the first time the Manor had been under attack and there were far more pressing matters.

Apparently the young master won the battle, there are quite a few robotic men disassembled on the floor. They are probably in the batcave. Hopefully they remained inside the batcave and didn't go on any unsupervised missions.

Those never end well.

The elevator gave no signal that it was about to open except the almost unnoticeable shift as it slowed to a stop. I readied myself for one of the boys to throw something at me, but thankfully when the doors opened I was not ambushed.

A pang of guilt stabbed by gut as I realized what that meant. It meant that they weren't here. As the Bruce's most trusted advisor I should have kept them safe or at least supervised, but no, I get knocked unconscious and they leave.

I'm going to have to install a security system to keep them from leaving without Bruce's or my consent. Well, after damage is done to the Manor. No, actually that wouldn't work. There are too many scenarios where they need to leave without consent.

But still, they did leave me on the floor.

With robots.


After we were ambushed.

I need a break. There are too many batarang throwing, trigger happy children in my life. I'm too old for this. Maybe I should take a week or two off and visit my nieces in England.

Hopefully nobody dies.

Well. On that depressing thought, I guess I'll stay here.

Now I'll have to rip out the old secret agent skills out. Too bad, I rather liked it when the public knew little about Agent A.

The media always gives me a reason to smile, how clueless they are is always so astonishing.

I grabbed the face mask and slip it over my head. Then a suit similar to my everyday suit, but black and with Agent A printed on the chest and back in light gray. I hate the suit, but it was only for emergencies anyway. The mask was shaped like Red Hood's, however this was just my face but completely blank.

It was tan even over the eyes because the hole mask worked like glasses, anyone could look through someone's glasses and see their eyes clearly. But looking from the inside of the glasses, everything was blurry. So I could see clearly, but my mask wouldn't allow outsiders to. Unless they had the same prescription, like the bats did.

I frowned grimly and then walked to the exit. I was really too old for this.

-----Dick POV

I cried out as my chair was swept out from under me. How did someone get into the batcave? I quickly rolled to the right and jumped to my feet and a foot slammed down where I used to be.

I gasped as one of my stitches popped open. I saw a foot aimed my way but I was too late and I stumbled backward as it landed in my stomach.

I looked towards my opponent, or rather, two. Heretic. Two Heretics, both of them standing before me, brainless idiots. Talia didn't want the next batch to be able to think on their own like the first Heretic did, so more of them survived the cloning process.

Now they just follow her commands without much thought. Easier for us to deal with, but still an almost impossible opponent to deafeat all the same.

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