12. So Original

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-----Dick POV

"Are you sure?" Tim asks over the phone.

"No. You still need to come. Hurry. I still need you to call Jason." I say urgently.

"Jason? Does he need to come?" Tim asks and I hang up on him, knowing he'll still call Jason.

"Master Richard? There is a young girl here, requesting an audience with you." Alfred spoke to him through the coms unit.

I reach up to my ear and turn my end on. "As usual. All the girls love me."

I hear him scoff and I smirk, standing up slowly and walking towards the elevator. Small pinpricks stab me all over. Stupid assassins.

The elevator comes to a stop and opens quietly. I slip out and it quickly closes.

"Master Richard. You really shouldn't be walking around in your condition." Alfred says, walking through the doorway.

"Yeah. Wouldn't want to fall down the stairs again." Mallory says, leaning against the doorframe.

I immediately tense and glare.

"What do you want?" I ask.

I was 50% sure that Bruce and Damian went to see her when they left earlier. Then I find out she's a fighter, Batman gets ambushed, his communicator stops, and she shows up here. Like she wasn't sketchy enough when Damian brought her over with a broken wrist and a fight with Harley Quinn and an assassin.

"Why so mean? Did your girlfriend break up with you? You were so cheerful last time I came over." She says, smiling lightly.

"Shut up and tell me what you did to Batman and Robin." I snarl.

"Master Richard. That is no way to treat a guest." Alfred scolds.

"She's not my guest."

She smirks. "I hope you are a little more vicious when the other not guests get here."

"What do you mean? Who is coming here?" I demand.

"Calm down. We still have, uh, an hour at least." She says. "But to answer your question, five robot guys. Hired to bring you to Talia Al Ghul. She made a trade and sold you off to Harley Quinn and Joker. More Joker though, since Harley is in Arkham. At least, for now."

"I can handle five measly robots." I say.

She raises an eyebrow. "Don't be so quick to insult Batman and your brother."

My stomach plummets and I feel sick.

"Master Richard, please si-" I cut Alfred off.

"Did they take them?" I whisper, silently pleading that she doesn't say what I think she will.

"For now. We'll get them back." She says, no longer smiling.

"'We'? No. You stay out of this. You've already caused enough trouble as it is." I frown.

"Me? I have done nothing wrong. It's you guys who have a whole League of Assassins after you. You idiots who followed me home, I have done nothing but help. Tell me Nightwing, would you and Robin have escaped the assassins when they attacked at school of I hadn't been there to fend off Talia and her pet assassin? Could Damian have taken down both a professional assassin and Harley Quinn without my help? Would Batman and Robin have been distracted when the hunters showed up if they hadn't have been snooping around in my business?"

I looked at her for a minute and didn't speak. I guess we had messed up.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

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