3. Twin Critics

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—————Sam POV

The two new kids sat next to me. The girl sat in front of me and the guy sat next to me.

Damian Wayne, we had all heard of him. Bruce Wayne's kid, he didn't even know he had him and then one day his mom showed up and dropped him off. They say his mom was murdered by a bunch of assassins trying to kill Bruce Wayne so they could get his money, and they killed her instead. I heard Wayne got away, but that's obvious, because he's still alive. Duh.

Anyway, Damian was totally intimidating me. He was all muscles and I heard that once, he told one of the ladies at Wayne Enterprises, that her department was losing economics. And he was right. That means he must be crazy smart.

The girl, Mallory. We didn't know her, which wasn't that much of a weird thing. We get new kids alot, despite Gotham being filled with criminals and danger, people still move here all the time because of all the rich people and because of Batman. When you have a famous vigilante who magically shows up to stop every crime, villains just don't seem as dangerous anymore.

I knew everyone was going to be talking about them, gossip usually ignores new kids, but since she showed up on the same day as Damian Wayne, she's going to get alot of attention, especially since she was covered in mug and sticks. That's just weird.

"They marched right into the open field-" Mr. Dean said. I think he was talking about some battle in the Civil War, or maybe it was the American Revolution.

I was pretty good at remembering this battle, one army was walking through an open field, cause it was a fast route and they got slaughtered by the other army.

I heard Damian and Mallory mutter something.

"Idoits." They said and then looked at esch other, surprised before Mallory started writings again and Wayne looked back up at the powerpoint. I grinned.

Now the girls were going to try and date him, well not like they weren't planning on it before he even came to school. That wasn't going to end well, I heard Damian Wayne wasn't a romantic guy and had a serious temper.

And Mallory, who knows what she would do when all the girls started giving her the super jealous and hateful shoulder. It could end in Mallory just sinking through the floor or moving away.

But it could also end in a full blown war. Most of the kids here are mean little devils and the girls are the worst. If you have never seen a war between a group of super smart rich girls that hate each other, than you have never been truly scared before.

The hallways go from white walls and gray lockers, to humid dungeon walls and criminal cells. Dark brooding guards pacing around with tasers trying to kill you with their personal vendettas.

—————Dick POV

I walked to my table and sat down. Scanning the room for Damian. He was walking over to me without a tray. No one really eats the school food anyway. Nobody really blames the lunch ladies though, it's not their fault. We all blame it on Michelle Obama.

Damian sat down and looked around, scanning the room.

"What are you looking for Damian?" I asked.

He glanced at Luke and then shrugged. "Our mission."

"Oh yeah. Try and be a little discreet though." I said, thinking about our argument over who was more discreet.

He glared and I picked up my water from my book sack.

"Hey, Dick. That girl is sitting in the table next to us." Luke said worriedly, I almost spit out my water.

I looked over and saw the girl from this morning. She sat in the table next to us, leaning against the metal frame of the window. Two air conditioners on either side of her.

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