5. What a Twist

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—————Damian POV

I grabbed the rope and hoisted myself up. I took my time, not wanting to draw too much attention, but it wasn't until I finally reached the bell and started sliding down that I realized all the other kids hadn't reached the top, not even halfway.

It was actually pretty funny, all these sports players here and no one could climb a simple rope. I almost laughed, that is until I saw the girls. They all sat there and swooned at me.

I glared at each and every one of them, making thrm flinch. They were all the way across the room and my glare still scared the makeup off them.

I wanted to glare extra hard at my stalker, but noticed she was missing. I looked at the ropes and saw her, Stephanie climbing up the rope, straining and gritting her teeth together. Horrible form, but she was doing better than most.

The other girls followed my gaze and gasped. Then their shock must have worn off because they had started cheering. Actually read the cheers because if not you might miss something.

"Go Steph!"

"You can do!"

"Your doing better than the guys!" I frowned alittle at that one.

"Almost halfway!"

"Don't look down!"

"Your doing great!"

"Mallory is climbing it too!"

"Ste- WHAT?" Someone screamed.

Stephanie didn't even look surprised, she just gripped the rope harder and kept on struggling. Huh, she was probably trying to show that she was better than Mallory.

She has been doing it in all of the classes we have with her. It's like she has a personal vendetta against her and Mallory is clueless. I liked that act of strength and anger, it was amusing.

Kind of like me and Dick.

I looked over to see Mallory in fact climbing the rope, already at the bell. She just hung onto it, not ringing the bell and watching in amusement as Stephanie tried to climb the rope.

In that moment, I looked at Stephanie and saw her arm reach for the bell. With only one arm holding on to the rope, she rang it and collapsed.

She dropped down headfirst and screamed. Most people fell on their backs, not however in this case.

I ran forward and her leg got caught in the rope, hanging her upside down. She screamed in terror and thrashed around.

I grabbed her rope and yanked it. It untwisted from around her leg and she dropped. Landing with a light thud in my waiting arms.

She stopped screaming and looked up at me, fear spread across her face. Then she grinned in a way so vile looking, the Joker would have peed his pants.

I almost dropped her, but she swung her arm around my neck and leaned foward.

I scowled and dropped her.

"Ah!" She cried out as she hit the floor.

I turned around and started walking back the side where the guys were. They stared at me in awe and some looked at me and Stephanie in amusement. One of the guys reached out to give me a high five.

Which I ignored.

My peripheral could a glimpse of dark red hair as it disappeared in the private dressing stall.

I frowned and picked up my bag.

Bruce had to do quite a bit of convincing to let me dress in a private stall. I had all my scars from being who I was and it was suspicious that Dick got a stall too.

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