4. Start of A Problem

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—————Stephanie Cross POV

I watched through the vent holes in my locker as Damian Wayne walked into the hall. He opened his locker and shoveled a duffel bag in, while grabbing another.

I closed my locker and walk by, trying to see into his locker, multiple small duffel bags were stuffed in a row.

I kept walking and went to class. I have the same schedule as him. No other girl is going to get in my way, he is the most rich, handsome, strong, and smart kid in our school. In all of Gotham.

And he is mine.

I sat in my chair. First hour, Science, then we have Math, ELA, History, Lunch, Elective but those haven't been decided yet, and finally P.E.

I sat down in my seat, making sure to choose one in the front. No doubt Damian would want to sit up here, so he could bask in the whole class's attention. That's how I'll wrap him around my delicate finger.

He walked in and surveyed the room. I watched him as discreetly as I could, but I swear he looked me straight in the eye for a second, through my curtain of hair.

He walked up to me and then turned sitting in the back. He sat in between stupid 1 and stupid 2. I almost growled in annoyance.

Math was the same, he chose to sit in the back during the whole class, not a paying anyone attention and still answering every question correctly.

Now it was history. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. I walked into History and saw the whole girl population sitting in the back, minus a few that hadn't yet arrived. I strode up to the small little blonde girl who was sitting next to where Damian sat yesterday.

I looked at her and raised my eyes, she quickly stood up and sat in the front of the class. I sat down and pulled out my notebook, ready.

He walked through the door and saw all of us in the back. He glared and took a seat next to the door, all the way up front, right next to skinny blonde. I actually growled this time, the other girls looking at me either with fear or anger.

At lunch, Damian went to sit with his adoptive brother and his brother's friends. I stood up and walked over, leaving my tray behind.

He looked over to me when I was just standing and then looked back, saying something to his brother, who glanced at me and then nodded. Damian stood up and I readied myself to greet him.

I was just a few feet away when he started walking away quickly. I huffef and looked at his brother.

"Where is he going?" I demanded.

"Why?" He asked.

"I wanted to properly introduce myself." I said, holding my chin high and looked down on him over my nose.

"Well sorry. He had to go and answer his girlfriend, she called hik and needs his help." He said.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked, horrified.

"Yeah. Her name is... Uh. Lisa!" He struggled.

"Oh. Well tell me one he comes back and give him my phone number." I said as I handed him one of the prepared phone numbers I had in my pocket.

"Sure thing." He said and I turned around and headed back to my table.

—————Damian POV

I walked quickly down the hall. I don't know how much more of these girlfans I can handle, it's not even a school now, just a bunch of girls trying to get my attention.

I walked outside into the fenced in yard. A few groups of students walked around, using lunch as their socializing time. I quickly slipped into the nearest shadow, not wanted to be seen.

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