9. Anger Management

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——————Harley POV

The little munchkins walked into the room and sat down. I smiled politely, barely able to hold down my giggles. They would make such a cute couple.

I stood as the boy sat down, assassin man said he was the Demon's grandson. Haha. Of all people, Bruce Wayne just had to bed Talia Al Ghul. Definitely not a fitting couple, except maybe that they both have the tendency to disappear.

Every time we try and kidnap him or ruin one of his public outings, he always disappears and before we can find him, Batman always shows up! It's absolutely ridiculous.

I glance quickly at the window where assassin man is hiding, before pulling out my bat behind my desk. The miny demon tenses as I show it to them.

"Harley Quinn." He spits out with disgust.

"And me." Assassin man says as he steps from behind the curtain.

'You! Your that idiot from yesterday!" Demon kid yells and I laugh.

"Psycho." I hear both the boys murmur.

"I'm Mallory." The girl in the other seat says, waving at us.

We all look at her incredulously before I start to laugh and assassin man sighs, putting his hamd on his sword handle.

"Do you not know who they are?" Demon kid asks, eyes going back to assassin man and me.

"Uh. The school counselor and our g- Oh. Shouldn't we be attacking them then and screaming for help?" She asks.

"No. You run out and go home. I'll deal with these menaces." He says angrily.

"Sure thing." She says bouncily and walks out.

"I like her." I say as assassin guy takes out his sword.

"Then ho get her. She's our other target." He growls.

"Why do you need her?" Demon kid asks.

"It's a surprise!" I squeal and then smash my bat down at him.

He jumps back and it slams into the desk, breaking through the wood.

Assassin guy jumps and slices his sword down, demon kid grabbs a vase and throws it at him.

I laugh and kick my desk towards them, it swings and slams bith of them into the wall, trapping them.

"Night night demon kid!" I say, standing in front of them with my bat raised.

Suddenly the door flies open and hits me in the side, I stumble back and growl at Mallory, who just threw open my door.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you how to knock?" I scream as I swing my bat at her wildly.

She ducks and pulls something out from behind her back and stabs it into my leg.

I cry out and stumble backwards again, clutching my thigh and pulling out the metal ruler, throwing it to the floor.

"Didn't your parents tell you not to bring your weapons to school?" She replies.

I lunge at her and before either of us can react, we are both slammed into the opposite wall by the table, trapping us.

"Great!" I say, putting my elbows on top the table and watching demon kid and assassin man fight each other.

I look over and see Mallory holding a text book over my head and I jump back as much as I can in my current position, but it still ends hitting me in the head and everything starts going tipsy.

"What was that for you bully?" I asked, trying to be all mean. I laugh at how there are multiple of her.

I see her raise the textbook again and everything does black.

—————Damian POV

I slam the assassin into wall, but he swings his sword at me and I have to jump back. It is really hard to get a trained assassin to lose his sword when I don't have something to touch the sword blade with.

I jump back and kick something. I glance down for a second and see a metal ruler coated in blood. I wait for the assassin to attack again and as I predicted, he swings his sword, which I duck and roll to the side, snatching up the ruler in the process.

He sees my knew weapon and frowns, but still attacks. This time jabbing and I block it, twisting the bloody ruler and disarming him. I quickly grab the sword as it flies off and hold the ruler to his throat. He freezes.

"A ruler? Really?" I ask, glancing at Mallory. She doesn't respond and instead slams down a textbook on Harley's head.

I wince. Ouch.

I look back at the assassin and swing the blade of the sword at his head, turning it swiftly at the end of it's journey so that it hits him in the temple with only the flat of the blade.

He collapses, unconscious and I look at Mallory. She slams the book into the still conscious Harley's head, successfully knocking her out. She looks at me, and then to the unconscious assassin.

"Well. This is akward." She says ans I smirk.

"Yeah." I grab the edge of the desk and pull it back.

Mallory climbs over the table and picks up her bag, which fell off her chair in the fight.

She looks at me and I just stare back, not knowing what to do.

"Well. I'll see you Monday?" She asks.

"No. You agreed to come visit after anger management." I say. "Plus, this assassin said they were after you."

"I have to take care of my mother and I can handle myself." She says, crossing her arms.

"Not to these guys! I know them. They are not to be trifled with." I argue.

"Neither am I." She replies calmly.

"Really? What can you do?" I ask, annoyed.

"Knock Harley Quinn unconscious." She said, smirking.

I could hear Dick in my head, yelling, Ooooh she got you now!

"She was trapped." I retaliated.

"So was I." She said, now slightly angry.

I sigh. "You can bring your mother."

Panic flashes in her eyes, but is quickly replaced by the calm they had before. She thinks for a moment.

"No. I don't want to bring my mother into this. I'll come with you, but on one condition." She bargains.

"What?" I ask.

"If I want to leave, you let me and you don't follow."

I hesitate. Well. If I followed her, she would never see me. And if she did, she most definitely wouldn't recognize Robin as part of the deal, only Damian Wayne agreed to this.

"Deal. Come on." I say and pick up my booksack, slinging it over my shoulder and walk through the door.

She hesitates, but follows me out. I wonder, what could my mother want with my slightly aggressive classmate?

Word Count: 1113

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