7. Mystery

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————Alfred POV

I was tending to Master Richard. Master Damian was pacing behind me, waiting for Master Wayne to return. Master Richard was now in a stable condition and I was almost done sterilizing his wounds. Two sword gashes down his back, a stab wound in his leg, a broken  arm and an unhealthy number of bruises.

I was tempted to tell Master Damian to stop pacing, as it was disturbing me, however I knew he would stop soon enough. He had told me I could treat his wounds after Master Richard had been taken care of.

I finished it off and turned to Master Damian, who noticed me and stopped pacing. He sighed in annoyance.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked.

I stayed silent and stared at him creepily. He rolled his eyes and came over to me, sitting down.

He only had one bad wound, a gash on his arm, which was bleeding quite a bit. I sterilized it, he tensed and then I stuck two stitches through, before wrapping it in a white bandage.

I put down the roll and heard a beeping. Someone was at the door. Both me and Damian rushed quickly over to the monitor, which was flashing red. Someone had destroyed the keypad, signaling the alarms.

The camera showed a girl looking at it, her face an emotionless facade. Behind her was a black bike, with an barely conscious looking Batman on it. He looked at the camera tiredly.

I immediately pulled down the lever and let them in. The gates swung open and the girl went to the bike, pressing a buttona and then typing something in. Damian ran off to meet them at the entrance.

I looked at the camera once more before I went to. The girl pressed on final button and the bike drove forward slowly. She gave one last look at the camera and then ran off.

I ran to the front door and saw Damian supporting his father as he tried to get off the bike. I walked briskly over and held on.

We pulled Master Bruce to the house and down the elevator to the cave. Damian let go, leaving whatever weight he had been holding to me. He ran off and came back with a rolling medical table. We laid Master Bruce down and I started looking for wounds. There were not many and I wondered why he was so weak.

I finished off Master Wayne and multiple alarms went off. I ran to the monitor, Damian sat looking at the screen and I saw that the bike the strange girl had left, had blown up. Self destruct. So she couldn't be traced or identified.

I heard Damian mutter a quiet curse.

I didn't say anything, because I knew he would find it soon enough.

But she had left a knife in the keypad.

—————Talia POV

I felt a tug on my arm and woke up. Immediately noticing the dark silhouette above me.

I lunged forward and grabbed it by the neck, throwing the person down on the ground.

I noticed it was an assassin of mine. The assassin that had helped me with Bruce. I released him and stood back up.

"What happened?" I demanded.

"Batman was fighting you. I fought the girl. Robin had taken away Nightwing, who was severely injured. We were both.... Defeated. I awoke. We were in police custody. I escaped and took you with me. We are in an abandoned warehouse and the whole city of Gotham is on a manhunt for us. The rest of the assassins we brought are still imprisoned." He explained, straight to the point.

"And our hostages?" I asked.

"They haven't been sent yet to Arkham. They are with our assassins in police custody currently." He said.

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