10. Interrogation

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—————Mallory POV

We walked to his house, no, mansion. When I heard he was Bruce Wayne's son, and that Bruce Wayne was a billionaire, I never really thought about it too much. Now that I am here however, my whole internal danger radar is screaming for me to leave. Why?

I dropped Batman off here last night. Yep. I'm pretty sure that as soon as I walk into his house, Batman is going to jump out and arrest me. Why?

Oh, just I went missing for a year and there was a body with my fingerprints all over it. That was my ex-boyfriend's body. I killed him, still haven't gotten over that.

"Mallory? Hello?" Damian waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry I zoned out." We stood in front of the door to Wayne manor. My grave.

He nodded and then reached for the doorhandle, but it swung open to reveal a tall elderly man.

"Welcome back Master Damian. I see you have brought a friend. Who may you be?" He asked politely with an accent.

British maybe?

"Mallory Jones. Call me Mallory." I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"DAMIAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND?" I heard someone shout, then a thud sounded and someone groaned.

"Alfred! Could I have some help? I need to meet this visitor!" The same voice yelled, this time not as loud or excited.

"She's not my girlfriend Dick and you met her already." Damian said walking in the manor and gesturing for me to follow.

I watched as Alfred walked to a couch and helped a very bandaged and injured looking Dick off the floor. Definitely Nightwing.

It wasn't really that hard to figure out, Bruce Wayne owns a large company that is especially secretive. Has a sketchy past, was spotted with Talia Al Ghul on a few occasions, she has a bounty over Damian and he always disappears when crime occurs, Batman following quickly after in remarkable timing.

Him being a very kind man and muscular, unlike most rich men, or any man for that matter. New vigilantes always pop up around the same time that he adopts someone. The adopted kid is usually similar to the vigilante, you'd think the whole world would know their identities by now.

"I have to speak with my father for a moment. Stay here with Alfred and Dick. Dick don't die or embarrass me while I'm gone." He orders, the walks away quickly.

As soon as he turns the corner, Dick shifts from his position on the couch and looks at me.

"So, Damian's girlfriend, what do you want to embar- What happened? Your arm is covered in blood!" He yells, panicked.

I look down at my arm, and sure enough, a bunch of blood is all over my arm.

"Oh, don't worry. It's not mine." I say calmly.

His eues widen even more and he is about to say something, but I cut him off, realizing how messed up what I saud sounded.

"Oh! It's not bad! I just stabbed Harley Quinn. She is our new school counselor and I had anger management today." He nods and then freezes again.

"You stabbed Harley Quinn? Did you kill her? Where did you get a knife?" He interrogated me.

"I didn't- Argh." I huffed. "I stabbed her with a metal ruler, in the leg. She's not dead." I explained, frustrated.

"Why were you in anger management? Last I checked you were a cool and composed person who isolated themself." He asked.

I glared at him and he flinched. "Sorry."

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