6. Meet Mommy

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————Talia POV

I flicked my blade upwards quickly, the light reflecting off my blade. That was the mark.

My warriors ran foward, swords out, all of them were told to only attack Nightwing. Damian of course would attack them, protect his associate. I was sad to see him fall so far from his glorious ways. The way I would make sure he returned to.

I had ordered them to only attack Nightwing because I needed Damian to be alone. It was crucial that he had no one to protect him once my plan was put into play.

Bruce surely wouldn't be able to keep him with him at all times, then he would leave him in Wayne mansion, Damian would eventually become restless and sneak away. That's when I would get him, he was so predictable.

I stayed behind, knowing that I don't fight alongside them, I'll wait for the enemy to seek me out.

Sure enough, I sidestepped as my instincts warned me of incoming danger. Much to my distaste, a knife shot past me and burrowed into the ground. I noticed it would have hit my shoulder. Not an assassin then.

I panick slightly as I turn to face my opponent. Bruce has been expecting me hasn't he? He probably brought the whole Justice League to dispose of me. The knife was probably belonging to one of his vigilante friends.

I turn and see a masked girl. Black armored with swirling patterns that connect at her chest, swirling into an emblem. An 'A' with a twist on the leg, turning up and shooting through the center, as an arrow.

Not a member of the Justice League, or a new one, but that means inexperience. Surprise.

That means I win.

I hold my sword to the side and run forward. I slice downwards and then arch it to the right, where she had moved to dodge. A knife swipes up and blocks the blow quickly, surprising me.

It twists and puts pressure on my sword, forcing me to drop it. I hold on for a second and the force grows. I push against it.

Suddenly the weight is dropped and my inertia pushes the sword towards the girls face. She ducks and I stumble forward.

A leg swipes under me and I hold out my forearms as the ground tries to make contact with my face. I catch myself and roll to the right, jumping up and swinging out a fist blindly, keeping the other near my face.

It collides with the side of her face and she kicks me, both of us stumbling back. My foot hits something and I reach down, grabbing my sword and a her knife.

I rear back to tbrough the knife but it disappears. I am surprised and stand in shock for a moment, before I see the dark figure running at me.

This breaks me out of my trance and I hold up my blade quickly in defense. It clashes with another sword, sparks fly upward and I growl.

We are face to face this time as our blades lock, both of us testing the other's strength and pushing outward. We lock eyes and I am startled to meet a unsettlingly dark brown. One that reminds me much of Bruce's eyes. Her face is angry and she glares at me, sweat pouring down her face. My facial expressions much the same, but without showing my anger at the girl's disruption.

The girl's eyes flicker behind me for a moment before focusing back on me. I duck and retreat.

Batman stands in front of the girl in black, tense. He nods and she nods as well, before they both turn on me. So apparently they don't know each other. I can use that.

"Hello beloved. You got here early." I say smoothly.

"Talia." He says darkly.

"Oh beloved, you don't need to play the bad guy with me. We both know your really soft under that cowl." I pause and he tenses, knowing what I might say.

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