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"Dad! I'm home! (Y/n)'s here too!"

Dad peeked out of the hallway smiling at us. I let (Y/n) in as she slowly stepped in clenching her straps, Dad came up to us sticking his hand out, "Mr.Togata pleasure to meet you, love your mother's work"

"Thank you she works hard on her designs"

She stared at his hand weirdly lifting her hand, "Oh right I forgot it's okay, you don't have to shake my hand now"

She quickly grabbed it shaking it slowly, "Alright improvement!"

I shout smiling she lets go looking down, I take my shoes off putting on the slippers we have by the door. I notice (Y/n) staring as I stood up straight taking my bag off, just as I was about to say something Dad appeared beside us holding a box, "I took the liberty to buy some new slippers for you (L/n)-chan don't worry I washed them when I got home as well"

Dad opens it for her the slippers were bright yellow and fluffy, they had springs on the top with little red hearts. I wanted to bury myself, leave it to my father to find the weirdest looking slippers, "...They're cute and (Y/n) is fine"

She takes them out putting them on a small squeak came out of them, I looked at Dad wanting to tell him about our promise but since (Y/n) was here I held it in, "...Thank you"

"No problem, I'll be in the kitchen making dinner hope you can stay for dinner"

(Y/n) nods taking her bag off, she sets it on the hook turning to me. Squeaking every time, I held in my laugh as she stayed serious, "So what should we do?"

"I--hm-- I decided to try and do something simple like sitting on the couch"

She nods following behind me I looked down at the slippers then to her, somehow she makes it work. I moved the pillows on the couch to the side patting the cushion, "Alright go ahead take a seat"

She stood by the couch staring at it I could tell she was fighting herself inside inching towards the couch. She placed her gloved hand on the armrest sighing, "I can't"

"Okay then here grab the remote"

She reached out as I pulled it away. I point at her gloves, "Without the gloves"

She pulls the fingers of the glove off taking it completely off. I hold out the remote waiting for her to grab it. Shakingly she did it for like five seconds, "It's okay here we can try again"

I pick it up from the rug doing the same thing. She grabs it holding it longer this time, I smiled taking the remote back. I grabbed a pillow trying something bigger, "Here try holding a pillow, two hands this time"

She takes the other glove off shoving them in her skirt pocket, I hold the pillow to her watching her stare at the pillow. She grabs the pillow trembling, "Alright here we go... You're doing good so far (Y/n)"

I take the pillow back smiling repeating the process, she does well taking anything from my hands from the remote to I'm not even joking a chair. Dad saw us doing this asking what we were doing, "I'm helping (Y/n) get comfortable with her surroundings so far we've done well here. I'd say we did a pretty good job!"

The Moon And Sun | Mirio Togata x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now