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Third Year Festival
Pt. 2


"Jumpers, as if they couldn't get any faster... Think you might be able to handle it?"

"Don't worry about me Suneater I'll catch up"

The Falls the part I hate the most, I peek over the cliff taking a deep breath backing up. The nearest robots were already crushed not surprised people went for those. Tamaki already left kicking off his first robot, "Alright Mirio you got this"

I whispered to myself running towards the wire rope, I managed to keep my balance stumbling at the dirt platform. My platform began to shake forcing me to continue to the next. I jumped on the rope falling on it I held tightly shaming my body on the dirt wall, "Fuck!... Oh crap"

The 3 pointer shattered the platform stopping some students. I pulled myself up to the platform looking back at the robot looking around, "So that's why they have jumpers"

To destroy the platforms before the students get the chance to pass. I bit my bottom lip debating on going for the one in front of me or continue. The angle that it's at will probably drop me and I can't faze into the wall unless I break it and jump off at the same time.

The timing was everything, this is my one chance to get the robot seeing its distracted. Without thinking I jumped on the robot pulling out the wires shutting it down. I quickly jump to the platform I was on barely making it.

"One down... Two to go"

The platforms were disappearing faster as I got closer to the end gate but I did it, slightly scratched but I made it. I continued to the third area going up the steps I silently cursed seeing some students walking or flying away from the explosions on the ground.

Two pointer robots rose from the ground dragging some students down with them. I jumped at the sudden scream next to me, it was one of my classmates getting dragged by the robot. I quickly help her grabbing her hand pulling back. "Mirio stop or you'll get dragged into!"

"I'm not--letting go! Argh!"

I held tight on her hand yanking her out of the robot's grip. I land on my butt wincing at the surge of pain I got landing on a rock. The girl got up thanking me helping me up, "It's no problem I'm sure you would've done the same"

"Yeah, I would have... Um, Mirio can I talk to you at lunch?"

"Lunch? Uh sure, what's it about?"

"Don't worry it's something we both want"

I raised an eyebrow watching my classmate run off to the bomb filled field. I shrugged it off focusing on the main event, like how am I going to destroy three robots and not get blown up. That's when an idea hit me, that first year dug out a bunch of planted bombs and slammed against all of them.

From what I'm told these Beepers are resilient to explosions. So if I can get the right angle I'll be able to lure out a robot and destroy it above. I looked around finding a broken piece thanking whoever broke this off shoveling out some bombs. A few students gave me a weird look but I paid no attention to them hurrying my plan.

Thanks to the Midoriya kid I have a solid plan to pass. I gathered a big enough pile grabbing one I threw one in the tunnel that the robot left behind ducking from the large explosion. A robot soon came out screeching at me. With all my strength I tackled the robot kicking its head off, not my fanciest way of taking down a robot but I did it.

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