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Broken Tears


"And lastly the correct definition for the English word Jubilant isn't a sense of Depression it's a feeling of happiness or euphoric sort of speak, got it?"

"Uh-huh got it!.... Can we take a break my wrist is about to snap off from writing so much"

(Y/n) nods getting up from the chair stretching from sitting on the stool for an hour. I did the same sighing at the progress I've made. (Y/n) got up offering a drink, I nod closing my notebook with my pencil stuck in it. She hands me a cup of water pouring herself one, "You know (Y/n) I figured since you lived in such a big house, you'd have some servants around or maybe a short time worker passing by"

"No my mom doesn't like having servants, although they would be convenient to keep our home clean. We do hire a small company from time to time to do a power cleaning when it's needed but that's about it"

"What about cooks? I mean look at the size of this kitchen I wouldn't mind a chef making me breakfast"

"No my mom doesn't like the thought of someone else preparing our food, she's told me that only because we have the money that doesn't mean we have to adapt to someone else doing things for us, she went through a lot to give me the life I have now but at the same time she doesn't want me to forget that in order to get what I want I have to work hard to earn it, not have it handed to me"

"Wow well I got to say she did a great job in shaping you up, my Dad is like that. He's one to believe hard work brings people together but to also remember that It'll only work if one manages to balance it out with the people around us"

"Guess our parents did a good job raising us, huh?"

She smiled leaning on her wrist I nod drinking my water leaning on the table, having these small talks felt nice. She isn't much of a person who shares her personal life even with social media who claim to know everything about her and her family, but I don't think they truly do. 

"Was your mother poor? what about your Dad?"

"My mother wasn't poor but her, my Uncle, and grandma were in a lot of tight budgets during the time, and my Dad's family was the same"

"Your Uncle Yato?"

"Oh, no Uncle Yato is from my Dad's side of the family. I'm talking about my other Uncle, he hardly visits I think the last time I saw him was my 6th birthday. What about your parents?"

"My Dad lived an okay life and my mom the same..."

"Do you miss her? Your mother I mean"

"Huh? Miss her? Wait did my Dad tell you--"

"No I kinda figured it out when I went to your home a couple of months ago, you never mentioned her before so I thought maybe you don't have anything to say about her. When I went to your home there weren't any photos of a mother figure except the one in your room of you as a child in a pair of woman's arms on your desk. I sensed your Dad's heartbeat increase when he saw me walk in, I felt the years of sadness he was hoarding within which isn't healthy by the way. That's why I was hesitating to shake his hand, it wasn't just my phobia. I know it isn't my business but... how did she pass away?"

She asks crossing her arms on the table, I looked down at the table both amazed and shocked she managed to figure out my mother's death by just a photo and the second she walked in my home. I sighed resting my chin on my arm, "I was four when she passed away we were coming back from the store and some drunk driver came around the corner and crashed with our car... Me and my Dad survived the crash but the glass punctured her chest cavity which resulted in an instant fatal"

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