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For The Gold I Greed


I walked up the steps meeting up with Tamaki and Nejire, they came up to me asking if I saw (Y/n) I nod sitting down in the front. She steps out fixing her long scarf going up to the platform.

"So...what happened"

"I think she knows what happened but now I have to focus on making it to the end with her"

"Did she ask you to do that?"

Nejire asked looking up at me I nod again watching (Y/n) fight her opponent with ease throwing them out of bounce. I scratched my head wondering how I'm going to make it to the end. Knowing last year I'll end up fighting one of my friends before I get to her and I can't ask them to lose on purpose for my sake.

"Mirio, if you win the next match you'll be going up against me"

Nejire mumbles out watching (Y/n) walk back she stands up walking out. I looked at the screen change to Nejire's picture vs. her next opponent I sighed knowing I'll have to use my quirk a lot to avoid her attacks. (Y/n) came back up but still sat far from me, deep down I figured she was still mad at me but decided not to try and ask about it.

Nejire took a hard beating but managed her victory well paying a visit to the nurse's office. Tamaki went up winning easily because his opponent renounced their place. Soon it was my turn, I went up seeing my opponent she was from the support course smirking at me, "Sup! Heard you and Moony got in a fight, y'all ight?'

I nodding trying to understand her strange accent. "Yup I know how that feels, that's why I don't last long in relationships. Alright listen I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far in the games, and I already know how strong y'all 3-A are so I'll forfeit on your behalf"

I raised an eyebrow asking why she laughed clenching her stomach opening her arms," 'Cause like I said y'all are on a different level from me and I don't really care what I get, so you can either let me call it or we can fight but I'll end up all bruised up for no reason"

I frowned but nodded at her words she smiled turning to Midnight saying she forfeited. Not the best way of victory but I appreciated the gesture. I shook her hand going up the stands Nejire and Tamaki asked what happened down there I just shrugged not really knowing either. If she really didn't care then why did she continue is my question.

None the less that was her choice and my next opponent is Nejire. (Y/n) went up last and the worst opponent I could imagine was up against her, Kamenai-chan. All three of us glared at the smirking girl as she stopped at the platform waving at (Y/n). The crowd grew silent watching the two females go up against each other.

Present mic shouted in the mic yelling Go. They just stood there as Kamenai-chan spoke waving her hand Kamenai-chan's Quirk: Mud she can mold it to be a solid piece or a liquid to capture her opponents. To say the least, I was worried for her, her worst fear is yet to come and she's paired with a person whose quirk is just that.

A large chunk of mud fell on (Y/n) hardening. I gasped getting up seeing nothing happen, "That... What just happened?"

"Did she just lose to mud girl?"

"Damn if that's all it took I should've just thrown mud at her, typical germaphobe repellent"

Comment after comment my blood boiled clenching the stone wall, I stared at the mud mound expecting some form of movement. That's when it happened the mound broke releasing a mud cover (Y/n) even from up here I could see her glowing eyes stepping out unfazed, "What the?! She's risen from the dead!!--ow!"

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