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The Photoshoot


I sat next to (Y/n) in the car being stared down by her father who was also driving mind you. The first day of the photoshoot was today and let's just say I was already stressed enough his strong gaze was not needed. (Y/n) sat next to me peacefully going through her phone wearing a cute short dress in kitten heels. Her hair was brushed neatly wearing light makeup. (Y/n)'s Mother was already there early organizing the spot for when we arrive.

"Nervous boy?"

"Yes Sir"

My short answer got a nod from him going back to the road. I look over at (Y/n) trying to get her attention, since they picked me up she hasn't said a word to me making me worried. Thinking maybe she thought about us and doesn't want anything to do with me. I held the seat belt hoping my thoughts are wrong, a small hand lands on my knee patting it calmly, "I can sense your nerves, Mirio"

"Really? Sorry I haven't been this nervous since the first year"

"It's okay you'll be fine"

She calmly says pulling her hand away, I quickly grab it holding it tightly. She wasn't wearing her gloves nor mask today since where we're going is inside and highly cleaned to her mother's standard. I rub my thumb on her petit hand calming myself down. It's fine. We've done the poses many times and (Y/n)'s assured me that it's easier than what many lead it to be. I played with her painted fingernails arriving at the building. I opened the door exiting I going over to (Y/n)'s side but her Dad beat me to it.

I smiled laughing nervously as (Y/n) stepped out, I offered my hand to her and once again her Dad beat me to it. I had a feeling her Dad didn't like me very much, ever since the first day he came to pick her up from my house, I guess he saw the hug I gave (Y/n) that day too. Luckily we decided to keep the relationship on a down-low since we don't want people questioning about it. I trailed behind the two catching small glares from Mr.(L/n).

Man if he knew we were dating he'd probably bite my head off right about now. A guy ran up to us wearing a headset and clipboard in hand, "Ah there you two are! The sets ready for you we need to change you quickly before we fall behind schedule. You follow me"

The guy dragged me to a trailer pushing me in, he goes up to a clothes rack rampaging through it. He pulls out a hanger with a long sleeve shirt and pair of jeans, "Change and sit on the chair over there"

I nod going into the small bathroom inside changing quickly. I almost bonk my head on the sink trying to put the pants on. I fold my clothes picking up my shoes exiting the bathroom. A lady walked into the trailer wearing an apron filled with brushes and a makeup box, "Ha! I thought they were joking when they told me I was doing your makeup, Lemillion!"

"Hi there yeah it's me I'm Togata Mirio or also known as Lemillion... And makeup?"

"Oh don't worry it's just to cover up any spots and I'm fixing your hair"

I nod dropping my stuff on the couch inside sitting on the chair. She goes straight in applying makeup then fixing my hair. I had a feeling they were going to do this but none the less I brushed it like I always do. I watched the whole thing through the mirror conversing with the lady, who I now know as Mikka.

"Yeah my kid loves Sir Nighteye always going on about how lucky you are to work alongside him"

"It's fun working with him I'd say I scored well with the agency I'm in now"

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