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They Know


After school, I asked (Y/n) about the Quiz, and what a surprise she got a perfect score, note the sarcasm in my voice? My shoulders dropped not wanting to show her my Quiz, "I don't think you want to see it"

"It can't be that bad Mirio, besides the Quiz was revi--..."

Her eyes widen at the paper shocked at my paper. I'm sure if she wasn't wearing her mask her jaw would've dropped, "... Can you help me?"

"Did you even study?"

"I did! But for some reason the moment I got the paper I forgot everything..."

"I'll help you but on one condition"

"Anything! Please I don't want to be transferred"

"You'll have to come over to my house for the study session"

"Oh, that's it? Sure as lo--"

"I wasn't done. You'll have to show this Quiz to my parents so my Dad doesn't think you're there to fool around"

Every part of me shut down, my blood ran cold at the mere thought of showing my paper to her Parents. I already have to deal with showing this failure to my Dad now to her parents as a price for help, damn it!

"F-Fine... You're not disappointed in me, right?"

"Am I supposed to? Not everyone is great at academics Mirio, don't be so hard on yourself. I'll help you as much as I can"

She cupped my cheek calming my nerves, I smiled thanking her. I pulled her close holding her hand against my cheek pecking her forehead hearing a gasp behind us. We turn to the gasp seeing Kamenai-chan in total shock.

"You're dating her now?! I thought she was broken!"

"I mean we've been dating for a while we just never made it public until you saw"

I pressed my lips to a poker face looking down at (Y/n). She just sighs still holding her hand on my cheek looking at Kamenai-chan.

"Your plan didn't work, nor did it ever. I already knew what you were doing, you tend to forget I can sense heartbeats. I knew the truth seconds before I even saw what happened"

(Y/n) pulled away crossing her arms glaring at Kamenai-chan, "B-But that's not fair! I loved him first why do you, the germaphobe freak, win?!"

I frowned at Kamenai-chan walking up to her, she stepped back crashing on the wall shaking, "First of all don't ever call my Sunshine a freak and second she understands me more than you'll ever be able to, I care for her and the next time you or anyone else tries to hurt her in any shape or form I will not hesitate to hurt that person back, got it?"

She nods shifting running away I glared at the running girl turning to (Y/n) laughing, "Did I take it too far?"

"Nope, I think she'll remember that for a long time"

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