13 | betrayal from a friend

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The sun shining brightly, the weather hot indicated one thing: it was the summer season. 

The rest of the day, Sakura looked at the girls and talked with them. She was feeling good, this feeling was nice, She thought. She always wanted to fit in, to be the one with a large number of people around her, talking to her.

The reason she wanted to know about this experience of being around people was because of her jealousy. She had always been jealous of Ami, Kizashi who was supposed to be the father of both of them only loved the purple-haired daughter while she was always criticized.

There was a huge difference between Akane, Sakura's mother and Akumu, Ami's mother.

While Akane was a loving mother to her, she was also a coward, she ended her life because of her love for her husband without thinking about her only daughter.

Why was Akumu different from her mother?

Because she loved both her husband and her daughter equally. While it was true that she was a homewrecker and was the reason that led to Sakura's mother's death along with her father, she cared for her daughter, Ami more than she cared for her life.

That was one thing Sakura hated, she wanted to feel the same motherly love but did she? No!

Her mother decided to abandon her, and Sakura started to despise her as she grew up. While younger the only people she hated were Kizashi, Akumu and Ami but as time passed by she started despising her mother as well.

Akane's love for Kizashi, her husband exceeded her love for Sakura. That's why she chose to give up her life for Kizashi and what Sakura only got was simply sorry. That apology wasn't going to fix her broken mind, her heart.

Her entire childhood was stolen from her. While other children along with her half-sister went outside and had fun, Sakura learned about a bitter thing called reality. While Ami could smile freely, Sakura could only suck up her tears and be timid.

Time was a cruel thing, it taught her many things such as patience, which played an important role in her life, without the patience she had she would've been used and played by others a long time ago, the world is cruel, no one is kind if it doesn't benefit them.

Without patience, she would never be able to pretend, pretend the girl she was, the one she displayed. The girl with pink hair and green eyes always wore a smile on her face, and a kind but weak heart.

She was nothing like that but, in order to survive in this desperate world, she had to take desperate actions.

Sakura had just finished spending some time with the other girls when Ino wanted Sakura wanted to spend the rest of the day with her because they were best friends

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Sakura had just finished spending some time with the other girls when Ino wanted Sakura wanted to spend the rest of the day with her because they were best friends.

While Sakura was still contemplating for some time whether she should agree to Ino's request or not, in the end, she agreed. This would be her test, to prove whether Ino would be her friend or an enemy.

The choice was kept entirely up to Ino, her decision would decide her role in Sakura's life. Would Ino be a pawn or not, it depended on how Ino would treat Sakura.

Sakura spent the rest of the day with Ino, talking about random things while keeping up her guard in order not to slip up or else a simple mistake is enough to ruin a life worth's of hard work.

However Sakura was enjoying it, while every day she convinced herself that Ino was nothing more than a tool but the blonde girl was the reason she gained self-confidence, memories cannot be destroyed so easily no matter how hard you try.

Slowly Sakura started considering Ino as her best friend, her one and only friend. While she never stopped pretending in front of her, it was true that she started cherishing Ino and truly wanted to be her friend.

Sakura wanted things to continue like this, she never wanted to feel like she was all by herself ever again!

"Hey, Sakura!" Ino said as she handed Sakura a bouquet of Dahlia flowers, "Here, take this!"

"Why? Is there anything special today?" Sakura raised an eyebrow.

Ino beamed slightly clasping her hands together, "Tomorrow's our written exam, isn't it? I thought I would give this as a good luck charm as dahlia symbolises inner strength!"

"Really?" Sakura smiled, a real smile getting a warm feeling in her chest for having to be cared about. Too bad for Sakura, the decision to trust Ino would be the cause of a big change in herself, good or bad, only in time could we find out about it.

"Thanks so much!" She grinned as she walked away, what she didn't see was Ino's contempt for her in her blue eyes. 

Ino smiled with triumph, satisfaction was clearly written on her face. 

Only a single thought in her mind at that time, one which not only threw her out of Sakura's life forever but which would also be the cause of her downfall.

But dahlia also symbolises betrayal and dishonesty...

But dahlia also symbolises betrayal and dishonesty

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― Ino betrayed Sakura, but how?

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 ≡ sakura harunoWhere stories live. Discover now