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I rush out the classroom and down to the cafeteria. I hear Alya and Nino calling after me but I ignore them. I reach the cafeteria and immediately start to bundle food onto a tray. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see Alya with a worried look on her face.
"Girl, what's up?" Alya asks.
"I- I don't know. I'm just not having a great day I guess," I reply.
Alya pulls me into a hug, knocking my food onto the floor.
"Sorry girl, I'll buy you another meal," she protests.
I smile as I help her pick up the food on the floor.

"Look, I know you probably don't want to talk about this but the boys aren't here and I just want to make sure that you know what you're doing. I mean Chat Noir is a superhero! And you have no idea who he is! Dating him is pretty serious. And dangerous."
"Hold up-" I interject. "I like him but I don't think I'll date him," I say this with a pain in my chest.
"So then why did you reject Adrien?" She questions.
"Because I'm confused about my feelings. I mean, I've been seeing Chat every night and we've gotten pretty close. I think my feelings for him may be stronger than my feelings for Adrien." I reply.
She gasps and her eyes widen. I sigh and put my head on the table as Alya strokes my hair.
"Remember, I'm always here for you girl. No matter what," she whispers in my ear.
I sit up and hug her as I sob into her shoulder.

We break apart and see Nino and Adrien walking in our direction. Nino sits down after grabbing a sandwich and Adrien follows.

We laugh and talk as normal. Alya says that Chat Noir is probably the best looking boy in Paris, trying to get me to agree. I say nothing and stare at the table. I find myself staring at Adrien every now and then but as soon as he looks I whip my head back to Alya. Soon the bell for class rings and we get up. Alya and Adrien have gym and me and Nino have science. We say our goodbyes and walk in opposite directions.
"So Mari, how are you?" Nino asks.
I glare at him and frown.
"Right, that was a stupid question. You're obviously upset," he answers his own question.
I nod. He puts an arm around me and smiles.
"Mari, remember when we were little and we were always together. We never left eachothers sides,"
I nod.
"And remember how we promised that no matter what, no matter who came into our lives, we'd always be friends,"
I nod again. He smiles and stands infront of me. He looks into my eyes.
"You can tell me anything," he says.
"I know," I mutter as my voice cracks.
He pulls me into a hug and whispers, "Friends....."
"No matter what."


Hey guys, it's me!
I know this chapter wasn't that interesting but I just had to show what was going on whilst Adrien told Nino about his secret. I promise that the nextchapter is INTERESTINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. It's gonna be goooooddd. Lol.
Anyway, that's all babies.

Bug Out!

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