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"Nooroo? Duusuu?" I exclaim.
The two long-lost kwamis fly in the room and sit next to me.
"Is this Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Nooroo asks, pointing to Alya and Nino.
"No, Ladybug is out of town so she chose Alya," I point to Alya, "to be Ladybug for the weekend. And this," I point to Nino, "is Nino. He's Chat Noir's bestfriend."
"Oh right, well we can safely say that Ladybug will not be needed for a while!" Duusuu exclaims.
"What do you mean?" Alya asks, disappointed that she can't be a superhero.
"Well Hawkmoth, AKA Gabriel Agreste, has been arrested!" Nooroo squeals.
"GABRIEL IS HAWKMOTH!" Me, Alya, Nino and Trixx all shout in unison.
"OMG! We have to call the police!" Alya yells. "I have to call Marinette and tell her!" She says as she pulls out her phone.
"Who's Marinette?" Duusuu asks.
"Marinette is Ladybug," I explain.
"What's Chat Noir's secret identity?" Nooroo questions.
"Adrien Agreste," Alya says as she dials Mari's number.
"How-when?!" I ask, confused.
"We kinda found ou about him earlier," Nino explains.
I nod my head as Alya begins to talk to Marinette. She puts it on speaker.

"GIRL! I HAVE NEWS!" Alya shouts.
"Alya, you'll deafen me. What's going on?"  Marinette asks.
"Some kwamis just flew into my room! The butterfly and peacock! You will never guess who Hawkmoth is!"
"You know who he is?!" Mari exclaims.
"Gabriel Agreste..." Alya whispers.
"Yes way!"
"D-does Adrien know?" Marinette sounds concerned.
"No, we thought it was best not to tell him as he's in hospital. It'd probably be bad for him."
"Yeah but like, we have to tell someone. Call the police or something!" Mari suggests.
"Yeah. I guess you're right. But it'd probably be better if the real Ladybug was here when it all happened."
"Yeah, that's true. When I get to London I'll use the horse miraculous to transport back! I'll be in London in an hour. Can you hang on til then?" Mari says.
"Yes, see you then!" Alya replies.

Alya hangs up the phone and flops on her bed.
"This is probably the most eventful day EVER!" She sighs.
"I agree," Nino nods.
"WAIT! I have some questions," Alya shoots up. "Who is Mayura? Is it Nathalie?"
"Yes," Nooroo answers.
"Why are they doing this, what is the wish?" I ask.
Nooroo looks at Duusuu and sighs. "Gabriel wants to bring his wife back to life. She's being kept in the Agreste Mansion basement."
"Adrien's going to be crushed," Nino sighs.
"This is so unfair. Adrien never hurt anyone! He wouldn't even hurt a fly! And all of this is happening to him!" Alya screams.
"What's happening to Adrien?" A familiar voice asks. We turn around and see Plagg floating in the window.
"Gabriel is Hawkmoth," I explain.
Plagg's eyes fill with anger and hurt as he sits on Alya's desk.
"Plagg, calm down before you cataclysm something!" I warn him.
He takes a deep breath and sighs.
"Poor kid," he mumbles.
We all sit in silence for a while before a flash of white appears and Marinette walks into the room.

"I'm here now! We have to call the police right away!" She shouts.
Alya hands the ladybug earings to Marinette and she puts them in.
"Okay guys. This is how this is gonna work! I'm going to transform, okay? Alya I want you to become Rena Rouge so you can come with me. Nooroo, Duusuu, it's nice to finally meet you! I need you two to come with us. I know it's risky to have to talking to normal people but this is serious! We need to tell them about Gabriel being Hawkmoth and Mayura who I can only assume is Nathalie, right?" Nooroo nods. "Cool. Nino, you stay here, okay as I don't have a miraculous for you. Plagg, I need you to go and get Chat Noir from my house!"
"Your house? The kids not there, he's in-" Plagg begins to say before I hit him and glare at him.
"Where? He said he'd be at my house!!" Marinette exclaims.
"He-uhh went for a walk, I think," Plagg says. He's even worse than Marinette at making up excuses. "Is there any way you can do this without him?"
"I guess so, there's no time to waste, we have to do this now!" Mari exclaims.
"C'mon, Tikki, spots on!"


Yasssss! Gabriel's secret is OUTTTTT! There's about to be A LOT of DRAAAMMAAAAAA! YAYYYY!

That's all.


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