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I get back to London, hating myself. How could I let this happen. I actually let Hawkmoth get me. Luckily I didn't cause any damage too serious but I still put people in danger. I mentally scream at myself as I hide to detransform. I detransform and Kaalki floats infront of me.
"Marinette, don't beat yourself up about this, it's not your fault," he tells me.
"I know," I bite my lip and run a hand through my hair. "Thanks Kaalki."
"MARINETTE!" Someone yells. I turn around and see my mum. She's crying.
"MUM! What's wrong?"
"Come here sweetie. There's some bad news but it'll be best if I tell you when back in the hotel," she explains.
"O--okayyy," I say, confused and worried.

We get back to the hotel and my mother just sits down and switches on the TV.

Today, all of Paris is left speechless as we found out the secret identity of the evil villain Hawkmoth. Ladybug and Rena Rouge went to the police earlier today with the news that Hawkmoth is none other than the famous fasion designer, Gabriel Agreste, who was arrested early this morning for domestic abuse.

My mum pauses the TV, then turns to me and frowns. "Marinette, are you okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I aleady knew...." I say and immediately realise my mistake. "I mean- ummm. I suspected-"
"Mari," my mum interupts, "me and your father know you are Ladybug, and it's okay. We're so proud of you." She pulls me into a hug. I can't do anything but hug back.
"There is something else," She whispers. She unpauses the TV and a picture of Adrien flashes on the screen.

Gabriel Agreste's son, Adrien Agreste, who was taken into hospital early this morning with bad injuries has sadly fallen into a coma due to the shock of the news about his father.

My heart sinks. Tears spill out of my eyes.
"No. No, it's not true," I scream, throwing the remote at the TV. "I hate Gabriel, I hate him!" I hiss.
"Shhh, calm down. He'll be okay," My mum says, stroking my hair.
I collapse to the floor and pant heavily. I can't breathe and my vision is all blury. "I hate Gabriel. I hate fasion. I hate everything!" I scream.
My mother looks at me sympathetically. She has tears in her eyes.
"Why?" I whisper. "Why do bad things happen to good people!"
"I don't know baby, it's not fair. But it's something we have to live with. But as long as we are good and we love and care for people, everything will be okay," she tells me.
I get up and wipe my tears as I stumble towards the bathroom. I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror. You are nothing. My mind tells me. You are worthless. You're not good enough. Give up. I shake the voices out of my head and take a deep breath.

After a few hours, and a phone call with Alya, I've calmed down a little. My mum comes into the room and sits on my bed.
"Mari, it's going to get dark soon. Maybe you should head to the hospital," she says.
"Hospital! How did you-" I ask.
"I told you sweetie, I know more than you think," She winks and I giggle.
We drive to the hospital and I see Marianne standing outside. I kiss my mum and jump out of the cab.
"Marinette, hello," Marianne sings.
"Hello, how are you?" I reply.
"Good," she replies. "But you better come in and say goodbye to Fu."
I nod and follow her inside. She leads me to a single room with a bed in the middle.
"Go on. I'll wait out here love," she tells me.
I open the door and see Master Fu laying in the bed. He turns to me and smiles.
"Marinette," he whispers.
"What? How do you know who I am?" I gasp.
"Marinette, I remember everything,"


Dun dun dunnnnnnnn! HE REMEMBERSSSSS!
Sorry this chapter wasn't very long but I promise that the next will be very long and jam-packed of drama. YAYYYY.

Bug Out!

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