Chapter 3

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Omar and I were eating when we saw a huge black Lamborghini car entering the tracks, "looks like someone new came!" Omar said with a smirk he knows what that means it means a new guy to race with.

"You know me too well Omar c'mon let's finish eating then we will see who the new loser is." When we reached the tracks we saw that there is already a race going on but it was nothing like the racing which we do in Spain it looked to simple and I can say the guy in the red car will win "this is not even racing" I said to Omar and turned back to stand at the side lines. As expected the guy in the red car won I guess his name is Micah because the girls beside me were continuously chatting about him that how hot he is, how well can drive etc etc but I saw a guy standing there looking at this Micah guy with proudness

"Who is he?" I asked the girl beside me she looked at me like I asked her does one plus one makes two

"You don't know him? he is Gabriele DiCaprio, the king of these tracks and he is the-" before she could complete her sentence I moved forward and said in a loud voice

"I want to challenge you Gabriele!" there were gasps everywhere around me, people were looking at me as if I am some maniac. He started looking everywhere to find me because I was still surrounded by people,

"Come forward whoever challenged me" he I mean Gabriele said. I started moving forward and people parted their ways so that I can move at the front. Before he can say something the guy beside him started barking, I just tune him off and looked at Gabriele in his eyes as I was observing him I saw that he was also checking me out, he was wearing a white vest and a brown leather jacket with black jeans. He was good looking but he is so full of himself. I moved my attention away from him and saw that the guy was still talking, now it's time to shut him up but sad I can't use my guns to shut him up

"Enough of your barking! Do you know who I am? Zorawar you haven't given them any details about me?" I asked Zorawar but before he can reply I decided to give my intro myself

"I am Veronica Santiago, Queen of these tracks and the one who had won against all your boys" by the look on his face I guess he remembered something looks like Zorawar talked to him about me. There was silence all around us everyone was listening to our challenges but only one guy looks least interested because he was interested in his tab and that guy is none other than my partner Omar. I know he was searching for details of this Gabriele guy

"Got it! Veronica, listen carefully this guy is Gabriele DiCaprio, head of Italian mafia and he runs many illegal arms business and racing tracks and deals with drugs also. You name any illegal work in New York and he had his hands in it that Micah guy is his second in command and the guy beside him who is still now talking is his brother Kyle and Zorawar is their half brother, so think before you place a bet with him" Omar informed me through the ear piece I just hummed a response.

He really thinks he can win! After bets were placed everyone was shocked when they heard what were the bets, after he gave orders everyone was busy preparing for the race. I could feel his eyes on me so I didn't turn towards him and continue to talk with some guys whom I have came to know here. Omar was also standing with me giving answers when required otherwise engrossed in his tab, my name was called and I went inside my car and went towards the starting line. We both looked at each other and when the signal was given we both drove forward.

(Race details in previous chapter)

After the race ended the name of the winner was clear and the winner was none other than me, Veronica Santiago. It was a neck to neck competition and I just crossed the finish line just a second before him so you can understand how much tough the competition was! Now it's time for fulfilling the bet, Omar came and hugged me and many other people also congratulated me

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