Chapter 5

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Text written in italics will represent past incident.

(2 years ago)

"Veronica be careful and drive safely you know how ruthless these guys can be and just pay attention ok?" Today Veronica is going to participate in the most dangerous street car racing championship and this is not going to be easy. People lose their lives in these races, these tracks are all unknown to everyone you get to see the tracks for the first time when you are racing.

"Don't worry Omar you know I have raced before, this is not my first time racing ok! May be first in this championship but you get it what I mean right?" Veronica was in her usual cheerful state and I was nervous and scared for her.

"All the racers are requested to take their cars and arrive near the starting line I repeat-" the announcement for the racers were made Veronica looked towards me with a smile on her face

"C'mon scaredy cat wish me luck!" I just chuckled at her excitement

"Good luck V!" and I hugged her tight. With a nod she went inside her car and moved towards the starting line. A total of 25 racers participated and all were older and more experienced than Veronica, she is the only female contestant among them and also the youngest one. All these contestants are associated to some illegal gangs and some are even from mafia groups. A shot was fired and the race started.

All the guys were driving so fast it looks like hell hounds are chasing them, one can't even concentrate on a single car. It was looking like some different colors are running in a zigzag way. Only Veronica had a white car so it was somewhat possible to locate her. All the cars started taking one of the deadly turns. This turn was around a cliff if any of the drivers couldn't control his car while turning then he will definitely fall from the cliff and I think his dead body also couldn't be taken out from the cliff below. I just hope Veronica takes the turn correctly. Veronica took the turn right but one racer was not so lucky he fell from the cliff, no one even exchanged a sad look even his friends are not sad they are angry that they lost their money.

The race continued getting more difficult and many racers fell from the hill sides some got severely injured, one guy was so severely injured that he died on spot when people were removing his body I saw that his leg had been broken in halves, I just hope V stays safe. Now among those 25 racers only 5 were left, Veronica is on the third number and the car beside her is continuously ramming into her side trying to side track her. C'mon Veronica get out from there, what the hell the car beside her started slowing down! No no it's not a good sign something is fishy!

As I was looking towards the roads one guy beside me suddenly said "Look what he has got!" I looked towards the large screen where you can see the cars racing and what I saw shocked me, the guy who was ramming into her car and had slowed had taken out his gun and was aiming towards Veronica's car. Sh*t ,sh*t , sh*t he is going to shot her tires and suddenly there was a bang! And Veronica's car started swirling towards the hill cliff

"No V! Someone help her! Veronica?" I started shouting for help but got just some annoyed glares. I started running towards her car but was stopped by the bouncers

"you can't go there" shouted one of the bouncer

"She is my friend let me go there!" I shouted at them but they stopped me and in front of my eyes I saw Veronica's car falling in the pit.

"You should have stopped her from participating in the race, these races are not for some immature girls!" came a very well known voice from behind. I turned towards him and punched him straight at the face that I hate. He stumbled backwards and his pay dogs aka guards came forwards towards me but with a flick of fingers from him they backed away.

"So you finally learned how to land a solid punch, impressed" that ass*ole said while cleaning his face from the blood seeping through his nose.

"That was your man right? C'mon be a man and admit it that you were scared that Veronica could win so you made this evil plan!" I shouted at him, but he just laughed

"Even if the man is mine how can you prove that it was my plan to shoot the tire? Hmm? tell me!" As I was going to answer him I saw some guys bring out Veronica from the forest below so I turned towards him and said

"If anything will happens to Veronica I swear I will kill you with my bare hands! Remember it!" With that I ran towards the guys who were now placing Veronica on a stretcher.

As I went near the guys I could look at Veronica's face and her half face had started swelling and had tuned purple

"She is alive right?" I asked the guys hopefully.

"Yeah she is lucky that even after such fall she is still breathing but we have to hospitalize her immediately otherwise she will die from the injuries and blood loss" one of the guy replied and placed V in a car

"You coming?" they asked me I just nodded and sat in the car and we went towards hospital.

This hospital was not some normal hospital it was one of the track's hospital, it was easy to treat her here otherwise in general hospitals they ask too many questions. As we reached the corridors two ward boys came forward to take Veronica to the OT. I sat on a bench and put my face on my hands that's when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder I looked up and saw that he was one of the guys who helped Veronica whose name I guess was Nate

"Hey dude don't worry your girlfriend will be fine, she is much stronger than we thought because no one survives the fall from such a great height. Yeah may be she is injured but she won't die so stop sulking!"

"She is not my girlfriend, she is my childhood best friend" Nate looked at me with disbelief

"Seriously? But we have seen many friends turn their back to their friends who fall from the cliffs! Hats off to you dude, you care about your friend too much to let her die" before I could reply the door to the OT opened and a nurse came out

"She needs blood so does any of you have O+ blood group?" Nate raised his hand

"Yeah I am O+"

"Ok then follow me" with that the nurse took him towards a chamber to take his blood.

Two hours have passed but still there is no word on Veronica, Nate has also came back after donating blood. He and his buddies are waiting with me when I said that they can leave if they want to but they just shrugged and sat on the chairs. The door to the OT opened and the doctor came out we all went towards him

"Who is with the patient Veronica Santiago?" We all raised our hands, the doctor just looked at us

"She is out of danger for now but she is very much injured! Her cheek bone has fractured and two of her ribs have broken and one had nearly punctured her lungs and her left leg had broken so we had to add a steel rod to it and many small cuts on her body. It's a miracle that her backbone had not been hurt because if that would have occurred then she would have been paralyzed. We will keep her here for at least a month then we will see that do we need to keep her further or not. Any questions?" the doctor asked us but we just shook our head

"Ok then, one of you can stay with her there is no need for all of you to stay here. Now excuse me!"

The guys send me first to see her, as I went inside her chamber I couldn't believe that the girl lying in front of me is Veronica, she has so many wires attached to her body which were attached to so many machines which were indicating that she is still breathing. Her chest is rising and falling so faintly that if you don't look closely you couldn't say that she is breathing or not. At that time I couldn't control myself and I fell on my knees and sobbed, it has been around 10 years that I have cried last, but I haven't cried so hard when my parents died like I am crying now. She is the only one left whom I consider my family and I can't believe I nearly lost her. I swear I will never let her take part in this championship I'll make her promise me this.

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