Chapter 42

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It was chaos everywhere; there was smoke and dust because of the blast. I was coughing and extended my hands to feel where I am going. The scene was very bloody, several of my guards were lying dead surrounded by their blood. I screamed for mom and everyone but I didn't get any answer in return. I slipped on the blood and feel on top of a body and saw it was Natalie; I tried to wake her but realized she fainted because she hurt her head but at least she was breathing. I left her there with a promise to return for her. I moved towards the door but before I could do that I heard someone calling my name so I turned expecting don't know what but I saw Kyle standing there, I rushed to his side to hold him but before I could do that I heard Micah's voice coming from behind trying to stop me. I stopped mid way and turned towards where I believed Micah's voice to be coming from. I saw him leaning on the column trying to sit up but a huge chunk of glass from the chandelier was sticking out from his stomach.

"Don't go... don't go towards him... he... he is... he is the mo-" before he could finish the sentence a bullet was fired and lodged itself in his shoulder making him scream. I turned towards the person who shot but was shocked to see Kyle holding the gun.

"What the fuck Kyle? Why did you shoot him?" I asked confused why my brother would try to kill Micah who was like a brother to us

"Why? Would you have preferred if I shot you?" he asked smirking

"What are you saying Kyle? Have you hit your head? Let's call for help Micah is hurt and same is Natalie"

"Gabriele!" I looked towards the door and saw Kevin standing there, what the hell is happening

"Gabriel, Kyle is the mole. Kyle ordered Pablo's hit" he shouted before firing a shot killing someone behind me. I turned to see one of my men with his gun raised at my direction. Kevin entered the house side stepping the bodies and came to stand beside me.

"Kyle was the one hired Veronica to kill Pablo and he was the one who hired her to scare you but she couldn't do that"

"Kyle? No no why would he order Dad's kill?" I turned towards Kyle to find him missing

"Where did he go?" I asked looking around

"Don't know but brother we need to go and Marcus was also helping Kyle" Kevin told me

"How did you get to know all these things?" I asked confused

"Since the day Veronica sacrificed herself for Omar he has been working damn hard to get to the roots of this entire problem. He had to contact the Koreans as he and Veronica have done huge favors for them and those guys helped him by providing him with men and other resources. That's how we came to know it was Kyle who ordered the kills" Kyle explained as fast as he could

"But where are they? Kyle and Marcus?"

"Don't know Gabriele but we have to be fast and look for Aunt and Zorawar and where is Veronica?" that's when I realized that Veronica was still in the basement

"Shit! She is down there oh God she might be stuck there" I panicked thinking she might have died down there. I started going downstairs but Kevin stopped me

"Wait! You guys go look for Kyle and Marcus me and Zorawar will save Veronica" April shouted while running towards us. She was coming with Zorawar and once they reached us they started removing the debris from in front of the door leading to the basement we also saw AJ and some other guys from the tracks coming and helping them

"Let's go Gab we need to catch Kyle before they run away" and we both started moving forward

"Kevin? Gabriele?" I could hear mom shouting our names so we looked at each other and followed her voice. She was sitting on the kitchen floor and her head was bleeding profusely, we both ran towards her and helped her up

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