Chapter 8

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How dare he question me and think so cheap about me and Omar. I wish I could have killed him!

"Hey Veronica, let's go!" Omar pulled me out of my murderous thoughts

"Yup let's go, bye guys!"

"Omar, take the keys you are driving!" With that I threw the keys towards him which he caught effortlessly.

"Whoa, what's the matter V?" He asked me once we were inside the car

"That ass*ole has the audacity to call me sl*t! How dare he even think that me and you are fu*k buddies? I should have killed him!"

I was rambling in my anger but after sometime I cooled down, Omar passed me water, he knows how to handle my anger.

"You ok?" he asked while keeping his eyes on the road

"Yeah I'm fine!"

"Want to talk about it?" He asked me softly and I proceeded to tell him everything.

"You know getting angry after hearing that was ok but pulling a gun at him or throwing a knife at him was not right! You'll blow off your cover, you are 99.99% accurate at throwing knives and shooting which many people can't, don't you think it'll lead them to do more investigation on us than they have already done? I have hidden the fact very well that who have adopted us and you doing something irrational in anger will blow off everything! You know that right? Veronica you need to control your anger, you always get angry when someone says bad about me but by doing this you are showing your weakness to everyone!"

"I guess you are right, I need to keep my anger in check! But you know how I get when someone calls me sl*t just because I like sex doesn't mean make me a sl*t"

"Veronica I know this, don't let him affect your present!" I just smiled at him.

After sometime we reached our apartment and I went inside my room to take a nap as I was having a massive headache!

"Wake me up in an hour Omar" with that I went inside.

Darkness, that's the only thing I can see! There is no light here. I am hiding inside our old store room.

"Where are you Veronica? Come to me!"

Oh my God! He came again; he will do things to me again.

Mamma, papa where are you? Omar?

"Let's see where are you! This time it will be much worse Veronica, come out"

His harsh voice echoed around the room and a whimper left my lips.

I heard the cupboard door open and then close!

"No you are not here, let's try again."

Silence, there was complete silence until the cloths covering me were yanked away!

"I told you not to hide from me! Yet you did that, you need to be taught a lesson!"

He started dragging me with him

"No no no please leave me! Mamma papa where are you? Omar help me!"

I started screaming but no one can hear me, how could they when no one was at home! They have gone to church but I was not feeling well as I had my periods going.

He dragged me into his room and threw me on the bed

"Please don't do this for god sake, leave me! Please" he ignored my pleadings and he ripped my clothes and started kissing me forcefully, I couldn't scream his fingers were digging into my waist! He bites my lips hard drawing blood!

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