Chapter 38

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The day finally arrived. Everyone was getting ready for the race, I have been staying at the tracks for the last 2 days to keep an eye on the preparations. Papa and Kevin are flying in today for the race and they want to take April back with them so that they can start preparing for her engagement with Omar. That day it was clear that Gabriele and everyone was already there discussing something, even though they tried to divert me from the topic I know they were discussing the letter. What the fuck was in that letter? I came to my room and first called my Papa to invite him to the race because I had a feeling something will happen that day and since today is the day I still feel this dread inside me that something bad will happen. While waiting for Gabriele and the others to arrive I was checking my car for the last time. My car is Mazda MX-5 Miata, I bought it a few months ago and that time I didn't even knew I could take part in the race. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a loud honk and turned to see that everyone has arrived. Papa and Kevin had also arrived with them and Kevin made a bee line towards me. He pulled me in a bear hug and Papa followed, I heard April and Omar shouting "group hug". After some uncomfortable moments everyone separated and I could hear Papa mumbling "I am the head of the Spanish mafia and these kids don't take me seriously".

"Is everything ready Veronica?" Gabriele asked once he reached us.

"Yes and the Salvatore brothers are here, my men are keeping an eye on them" I replied

"Good! good! Ask your men to send them to Zorawar's office in ten minutes. I need to talk to them" Gabriele said after some thought. I informed my men to send the Salvatore brothers to Zorawar's office and busied myself in talking to Zorawar. The guys were really happy to see Zorawar back to the tracks. It was time to start the race I informed Omar to be ready to go with me, as a navigator Omar was supposed to be sitting with me in the car. I saw Gabriele coming back without the brothers and from the nod he gave to Kyle and Micah it seems he handled everything on his own.

"You ready Veronica?" Gabriele whispered in my ears

"Well as ready I will ever be" I replied while checking the engines one last time

"Hoping to win?" He folded his arms on his chest which made his muscles bulge and for a second I was lost

"Earth to Veronica" from the smirk on his face I know he saw me looking at him

"Hoping to survive, you know if I come out with even a single scratch Omar will kill me then bring me back to life only to kill me again." I said while tying my hairs in a tight braid.

"All the best Veronica please don't die" with that he kissed me and whispered a sorry into my ears but before I could ask what he meant by that he left towards the front. I don't know what he meant by that but I will worry about that later. After Gabriele gave a speech to encourage all the racers and warn them what would happen if they try anything dirty. When it was time for the race every racer was getting ready to get into their cars, everyone came to me to wish me good luck and to warn me to not die. I sat in my car and was waiting for Omar when AJ sat beside me.

"What the hell man? What are you doing here? And where is Omar?" I was shocked to see him in the car with me.

"Chill Veronica! Omar was needed at the cam room and he asked me to be your navigator and Gabriele also allowed" he shrugged as if it wasn't a big matter but I know Omar won't let me go in the race alone. Something is going on and I need to know.

"Cool then you won't mind me calling Omar once right? You know he is my good luck charm" I said and observed his expressions but I found none. He shrugged as if to say go ahead. I took out my phone and called Omar, but he didn't receive my call. I could feel my heart beating faster worried that something might have happened to Omar but then suddenly my phone started ringing and it was Omar.

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