Chapter 40

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I was sitting in Zorawar's office waiting for the Salvatore brothers to come; I have a plan for which I need them it will be the last task they do. There was a knock at the door and after I order the Salvatore brothers entered as if they own the place and took their seats. Both of these guys are quite bulky anyone can be scared of them but I am not anyone I am the fucking godfather of the Italian mafiasco and I will teach these morons a lesson.

"Hey Gabriele! How are ya?" Jason asked as if we are long lost best friends

"You have a hot girl on the tracks ya, mind sharing her with us? I swear we will take good care of her" Mason says

"The girls who are under my wing, sisters or workers doesn't matter they are not to be treated as objects" I warned them

"Chill man we were talking about that racer girl of yours, she is just a f.cking racer and not any worker" Jason told

"Well if you had done your research then you would know she is familia, she is in charge of security"

"Ok man I back off but tell me why you asked us to meet you" Mason asked

"I have a job for you guys" I put my hands forward on the table and leaned forward

"What makes you think we will work for you?" Jason asked

"Well if you don't then my men will go on a little vacation to Hawaii and will stay in the Seaside hotel near room 307" Veronica informed me that their sister is in Hawaii and staying in Seaside hotel

"What do you want us to do" that information sobered them up

"You have to pick up a guy and put him in the old club house behind the tracks"

"And who is that guy?" Jason asked

"Omar Santiago"

"Who the hell is he?" mason asked

"You don't need to know that just do your job and get out" they followed my order and left the office

After they left I thought about the plan, I have decided to switch Omar with AJ as Veronica's navigator and I have Kyle mimic Omar's voice because I know Veronica damn well and I know she will call Omar to cross check whether he really let AJ work with her. Once the race starts Omar will be drugged and tied to a chair in the old building and we will wait for Veronica to finish the race and come here. I know this can go two ways either we will find out Veronica is innocent or she will get caught today. Honestly I want Veronica to be innocent, I don't want to lose her but if she is the culprit I have to handle that I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment even if my heart wants her.

Once the race finished we all were waiting for Veronica to arrive to the club house, everyone was tensed especially me and Zorawar.

"Gab what will you do if Veronica accepts in killing Pablo?" Zorawar asked worriedly

"What do you expect me to do Zorawar? I can't let her go if she accepts in killing Dad even if I want. After our last conversation I really don't know anything, I am ashamed to accept that I am afraid of Veronica's answer" I finished my sentence and I hear someone entering the building.

After going back and forth, sharing threats and Michael demanding immunity for Omar it was established that Veronica is the famous assassin Black Widow and she was the one who killed Dad. On one hand I am really impressed with her skills as I have taken her services several times to eliminate threats but on the other hand those same skills killed my Dad. It broke my heart knowing that I have to punish her to prove that no one messes with the Italians. I know once the news gets out that she is the Black Widow people will be very angry, she has pissed many people in during doing her job and I can't let anyone of them touch her but that doesn't mean I can't punish her. Justice will be served and she will pay by her life. I saw her looking towards the door until Michael and Omar disappears and she straightens her shoulders and turn towards us.

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