Chapter 18

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I could hear people talking around me but I was so tired I that I couldn't open my eyes, my eyelids felt heavy, the darkness was much more welcoming than my wish to open my eyes so I let it consume me.

The next time I woke up I could hear Kevin talking to someone "she needs a break Gabriele, give her some time off" before I could hear Gabriele's reply the darkness again consumed me.

This time when I woke up I can open my eyes, it was daytime,

"You ok Nica?" Omar asked me. I turned towards his voice and was stunned to see Kevin, April, Becky and Natalie sitting on the bed, couch.

"Yeah am fine but I don't really remember what happened, did I got drunk in the club?"

"You really don't remember what happened V?" Becky asked.

"No? did something happened?" my face must be showing confusion because April sighed and explained whatever happened and all the things that happened came crashing back with full speed. To say I was shocked would be an understatement because I was so fu*king shocked, I can't believe I said all these things and had beaten Marcus.

"Mama and papa were very shocked because they didn't knew about the abortion, hell everyone was shocked." Kevin replied.

Becky and Natalie were looking at me with so much pity that I couldn't handle it.

"Please Becky and Nat don't look at me with all those pities, I never want them. I buried my past, well I thought I buried it but whatever don't give me sympathies." They just nodded.

"So.... Is Marcus dead?" I asked hopefully though I know that he is not dead but it doesn't hurt to hope.

"No V he is not dead though pretty much injured but not dead."

Before I could reply the door to my roomed opened and papa was standing there with Gabriele.

"Everyone out" Gabriele ordered and with that everyone left the room. Omar, April and Kevin were reluctant to leave the room but one look from papa and they scurried away.

"How are you Veronica?"

"Well I had been better Gab!"

"Gabriele I want to talk to my daughter alone" papa asked no ordered Gabriele to leave us alone.

"como estas Veronica (how are you Veronica?)"

"estoy bien papa (am fine dad)"

"verdad Veronica (truth Veronica)"

"What do you want me to say dad?"

"I want to know why did you never told us that you were pregnant?"

"Sorry did you just asked me to say why I never told you guys?"

"Sabes que odio los sarcasmos Veronica Santiago y creo que recuerdas que el sarcasmo es la menor forma de ingenio (you know I hate sarcasms Veronica Santiago and I think you do remember that sarcasm is the least form of wit)"

"How could you ask that dad? Did you forgot what you and mum said when I told you guys what Marcus has done with me? You guys didn't believe me!"


"No dad am not finished. You guys said I was doing all these things to gain attention! And you ask why haven't I told you guys about the pregnancy! Dios, ¿por qué tengo que lidiar con estas cosas (god why do I have to deal with these things)"

"We think it would be best if you comeback with us. You have stayed away from us for long now it's time you return to your home"

"And who decided that?"

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