Chapter 34

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I woke up expecting to see Gabriele lying beside me but I saw he was not there and it hurt a bit but I told myself not to get used to his behavior of last night. So I woke up and went towards the living room where I knew my dress will be lying there I could hear someone talking so once I wore my last night dress I followed the sound and saw Gabriele on the phone standing stiff as a cardboard so I called him a few times but he was so lost that he couldn't hear my voice. So I took away his phone and held it to my ears and could hear Zorawar shouting his name, I told him what happened and he said something about Gabriele finally realizing something when I tried to pry it out of him he said not to try.

The whole ride to the manor was quite, it was so quite that even with the windows down I could hear the birds chirping outside. Once the car stopped in the drive way Gabriele was the first to leave he didn't even wait for me and that broke my heart. After last night I was too tired to cry anymore so I pulled my big girl panties and left the car with my head held high. Once I entered the manor I couldn't see anyone so I went towards my room to take a shower but before I could do that there was a knock on my door.

"Veronica?" it was Omar

"Si" I responded but didn't open the door.

"Can you open the door please?" he requested

"I am going to take a shower come later" I didn't want to talk to anyone right now and I have too much to think.

"Por favor Veronica" Omar pleaded so I had to open the door.

Once I opened the door he hugged my immediately and asked me what happened so I explained everything that happened this morning. After mentioning this morning to him I was feeling a tad bit better so I also explained him about the thing which worries me the most.

"I am really worried Omar, I feel as if the hit yesterday was given the same person who paid us to kill Pablo. This mole is closing in on everyone first it was Pablo, then Zorawar, Grayson and now Gabriele who knows whom he will attack next. I think you should go back with April" I said while resting on the bed.

"What the fuck do you mean Veronica? I am not leaving you alone and as far as April is concerned I also agree we should send her back to Spain. But keep this in mind I am not leaving and I know you will keep me safe" Omar replied angrily.

"I will always protect you Omar but you need to understand once they get to know that I am the killer, they will kill me but I don't want you anywhere near that mess, you can still get away Omar, Papa will protect you" I try to reason with him. "and he will do the same for you Veronica, you know that" Omar argued with me.

"No Omar, you are not listening! Even if papa wants he cannot protect me. I killed the old Don, the Italians won't go soft on me. Family is everything for the Italians." I cried out. "Gabriele won't kill you, he loves you I can see it in his eyes Veronica" Omar is spurting nonsense.

"Omar are you even listening to yourself? Even if Gabriele loves me which I believe is total bullshit, won't save me. I killed his dad Omar, his dad. You know how much he hates the killer, he is plotting how to torture the killer once he gets his hands on him, once he gets to know it's me who killed his dad what do you think he will do? kiss me? No Omar, he will skin me alive and will torture me slowly and oh, he won't let me die he will make me feel hell and you the worst thing? I will let him do that, I am in love with him Omar and I know he need to do this he needs to take revenge for his father." Just as I finished talking I heard someone moving away from my bedroom door. We both looked at each other and ran towards the door. We yanked it open but no one was there, but both of us knew someone was out there and that someone heard all of it. They heard that I was the one who killed Pablo DiCaprio and that I am the Black widow.


Third person pov

OH. MY. GOD! Looks like I hit the jackpot so, Veronica Santiago is the Black Widow. It's so funny, Gabriele is falling for the girl who killed his dad. Oh, it will be so much fun. But they cost me so much money, I had already transferred half the amount to them, think I will ask for a refund. They are smart to realize that it was the same person who ordered them to kill Pablo and this time who ordered to scare Gabriele. This time I have to play my cards carefully and I will be the one doing this job. I can't depend on these fools I hired to deliver such a huge news. You just wait Gabriele you won't know what will hit you.


I closed myself in the office and asked not to be disturbed, I know my behavior yesterday morning might have hurt Veronica but I couldn't help myself I needed to be away from her to understand and think about what me and Zorawar discussed. People would think since I locked myself in my office I might be working but since I have entered I haven't touched a single file. I need to sort out my feelings for Veronica, I need to know whether I truly love her or it's just lust but even in my farthest corner of my brain I know that it's not lust it's love.

I was lost in my thoughts when there was a knock on my door. I had strictly told others to not disturb me but then also someone is knocking on my door with a sigh I gave permission to enter and it was AJ who came to deliver a note left at the tracks. "I don't know man who left this just that it was kept outside Zorawar's office, when I went to lock the office I saw it out there. It was addressed to you so I thought it would be better if I take it to you urgently." AJ shrugged while answering my question. "you did right AJ and thanks man for taking care of the tracks in Zorawar's absence, I really appreciate it" He shrugged it off and left saying that he needs to be somewhere. Who could send this letter? And why? I guess I will know once I open it.

"Hello Gabriele DiCaprio, I know you are dying to know who sent this letter? Who killed your dad? But that's not important right now, you can call me as your well wisher. So I got to know you are searching for me but let me tell you it won't be an easy task but I thought why not help you find the killer at least? Have you ever thought how the killer could surpass such high security? And kill Pablo with accuracy and how you couldn't find any traces of the killer? No cctv footage, no footprints, no proof as if the killer vanished in thin air? Well that does because the killer is a ghost, she can never be caught. Yes you guessed it right it is the infamous Black Widow. Did you know that Black Widow does not work alone? She always has a backup who helps her disappear and leave without any proof. Isn't that duo just awesome? Of course they have to be awesome, one is an assassin and the other is an expert at technology. Do you know any such expert who can do that? Because I know someone who is an expert at these things...let's see how well you know your people and how good you are at understanding hidden messages. The clock is ticking Gabriele, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock!!!

Your well wisher

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