Chapter 17

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We all came upstairs and Gabriele sent Micah and Kyle to meet the so called boyfriend of Leila, papa went to office with Gabriele and Kevin followed me to my room.

"You know V today I saw the real Veronica out there" Kevin muttered as we entered my room.

"Well am not that much lost" I smiled at him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Duh, you just did Kevin"

"V do you know sarcasm is the least form of wit?"

"Atleast I have wits unlike some people!"

"Leave it! I wanted to ask you do you... do you love Alex till now?"

"Kevin, what I felt for Alex that was not love! I was young back then and whatever Marcus did back then was something I wanted to forget and Alex was the guy who gave me some freedom, made me smile, laugh. I just thought that was love but that was not love! Now he is just a good friend of mine and nothing else, I know he doesn't believe that whatever Marcus did was wrong but you can't change someone's thinking right?"

"Well am happy to know that you don't love that ass*ole anymore. Do you how he really is?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you were there Alex used to pretend that he has no problem with Omar but when you turned your back he always misbehaved with him! When you left Spain and I told him that you and Omar are missing so he has to search for you guys do you know what he said? He said, let me quote his exact words "I don't care for that wh*re and her fu*kbuddy, let them rot in the pits of hell for all I care!" These were his exact words!"

I couldn't believe what Kevin was saying, that fu*ker said these things! I.will.kill.him.

"Calm down V, I know you are planning on killing him but don-"

"Don't worry I won't kill him. Yet"

Before we could continue my bedroom door burst open and by instinct I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the intruder or should I say intruders. But the intruders turn out to be the April and Omar.

"Woah girl put your gun away, it's us" Omar said putting his hands up in a surrender position.

April was looking at me with pride?

"Wow V you are just wow. I haven't seen anyone with such quick reflexes not even Kevin or Marcus. You are something else sis." April said with proud.

Will it be wrong to say that her praising me made me happy? I guess not.

"Thanks hermana(sister)"

"Ok boys now get lost I have to help V in getting ready and I also have to get ready, now shoo" April pushed the guys out and locked the door and turned towards me with a big smile on her face.

"April will I regret giving you the permission to help me in getting ready?"


Dios me salve!(God save me)

April pushed me in the bathroom and ordered me to wash my hair and body properly and shave everything. So not to anger her anymore I quickly got to my work. I could hear April humming a song outside the bathroom, that's the song Mum used to sing to me when I had nightmares.

After finishing my business in the bathroom I wrapped a towel around my body and came out. April handed me a bag and again pushed me in the bathroom, I looked inside the bag and there was a sexy black lingerie which I wore and noticed that it covers so less that even a two years old girl's dress would have more coverage but who am I to question it was my own doing I was the one who asked April to shop for me. It also had a deep green one shoulder backless dress and let me tell you it's a beautiful dress.

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