Chapter 9

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Omar was waiting for me in the apartment "so what's the news?" I asked him as I came inside the apartment.

"I had him followed the whole day and even hacked into the cctv of some places to keep an eye on him and got many information about him. He wakes up at 5 in the morning and goes to gym at 5:30, he goes to Symmetric gym and stays for around one hour then while returning home he takes coffee and breakfast from a small diner then goes to office at 9,then the whole day he stays in the office. We can't kill him during daytime as he has 2 guards and always travel in bulletproof car. So the best time is at night, you want to know about his sleeping schedule?"

Omar asked me with amusement "of course I have to know where he sleeps!"

"Tsk tsk V its not where it's who!"

"Omar don't talk in riddles!"

"You should ask with whom he sleeps because his wife sleeps with her boyfriend and he sleeps with his mistresses"

"What? They both are cheating on each other?"

"Actually he had cheated on his last wife with his latest wife!"

"Omar.Zafar.Santiago! Stop talking in riddles and get straight to the point!" I asked him getting irritated with his riddles.

"You are no fun!" He says with a pout! He sighs

"So let's get to the point! His first wife was Kelly Madison, the daughter of his boss and he had a son and a daughter with her who are around our age and have no contact with their father. Paulo cheated on his wife not once not twice but a total 6 times but the last time he cheated on her he made the girl pregnant. The girl is around 21 and her name is Elizia after that his wife left him. Kelly wanted him to at least take responsibility of his own mistake and threatened him of his job so to save his job he married Elizia. But Eliza kept a condition that though being his wife she'll stay with her boyfriend and he agreed because by doing that he can still fu*k other girls. He goes to the club Spring and picks any young heavily drunk girl and brings her to his place and well the rest you can guess. And yeah he loves blondes!"

Omar finished with a smirk I can say that he knows what my plan is going to be.

"So Omar get me a pass of the club Spring!"

It's time for some fun.

After calling some people Omar got a pass for the club Spring but the pass is for tomorrow and tomorrow is the race.

"You can stay in the tracks for sometime then go to the club!" Omar said with a shrug as if it's not a big deal

"You know Omar that they will search me if I suddenly disappear!"

"You also know that we can make strange reasons for our disappearance!"

After deciding the reasons we both went to our rooms me alone and Omar with April as he was talking with her on Skype.

I went inside my room and checked my knives as tomorrow I have to use my knives not the guns! I pulled out my favorite knife,

Yeah I have a favorite knife to kill people! Don't judge a girl for it!

This knife was given by padre (father) when I completed my training he said that this knife was given to him by his father. He always told us to live by the motto which is also written on the knife blade

Unus pro omnibus
Omnes pro uno

One for all
All for one

He told us to live by this motto so it's my favorite knife. After checking them I went to bed as tomorrow is a big day.

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