Chapter 32

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Day of the party

The girls were getting ready together for the party, at first I thought there will be an awkwardness between me and Becky but she was all normal with me when she saw me looking at her curiously she said whatever happened was between me and Micah and Gabriele so she isn't interested and that I am still her friend and I am ashamed to say that it made me feel good. The party starts at 7 and the girls are getting ready since 5.

"C'mon Veronica it's already 6 when are you going to get ready?" April asked me for the hundredth time.

"I will get ready on time April don't worry" I replied nonchalantly.

"No you are going to get ready now and after that I will do your hair and makeup. Now chop-chop" she pushed me to the bathroom to get ready.

"Well April if someone knocks the door this time please open it I don't want any broken door" I winked and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. I know she remembered what happened last time.

After what felt like hours we were ready and going down the stairs to meet the guys. Everyone had a date except me because guess what Vanessa asked Gabriele to be her date and that idiot said yes and later realized he should have asked me, even Zorawar asked Laila to join us. When we reached down we saw the guys already standing there and Vanessa already stuck with Gabriele like glue. She was wearing a long black mesh dress and was only wearing a pair of thong and as my eyes could see she stick some stickers on her nipples. The guys were transfixed on their girls, their jaws were on the floor. Becky and Natalie were wearing two pieces, a cute bralette and a short tight skirt the only difference in their outfit was Becky was wearing a silver one and Natalie was wearing a black leather one. The guys one by one came forward and took their girls in their arms and kissed them. My eyes found the green eyes looking at me while his date was chewing his ears off. I could feel a smile forming on my lips but I stopped myself, I reminded myself that he is not my date. I felt someone coming near me and turned to see Omar standing in front of me with April.

"You look really pretty Veronica and I can already see Gabriele trying hard to not come and take you here" Omar joked and kissed my cheeks. He hooked his one arm around April and the other around me. When we reached there everyone was a bit tipsy after consuming shots in the car. Before I could enter I felt someone tug me from behind and when I turned I saw Gabriele standing there.

"What?" I asked sounding bored.

"You really want me to kill someone today?"

Not understanding what he was saying I asked him again.

"You dressed like that, don't you know you look fucking gorgeous and I feel like a fool saying yes to Vanessa and not asking you to be my date" he said while coming near me.

"Well it's your loss because am a free bird tonight and if someone is interested I won't mind sharing my nest" I flipped my hair and went inside. It was only 8:30 and we were informed that out target will be by the back alley at dot 10 so I have one and a half hour to waste. Everyone was dancing so I also went with the flow and kept an eye on Omar and saw him doing the same. Many guys were coming to dance with me at first I was declining their offers but then I saw Vanessa sitting on Gabriele's lap and giving him a lap dance but all the while his eyes were focused on me so I did what a jealous person does, I started dancing with different guys but I didn't allow anyone of them to cross any limit. Gabriele wanted to come on the dance floor I could see it in his eyes but he was talking to many other mafia bosses who were also invited and being the host he couldn't leave them. Once the clock stuck 9:30 I nodded at Omar and went towards the back entrance but I checked one last time and saw Gabriele busy talking to others and not noticing my absence. Once I reached the back entrance I ran towards the direction of the nearby motel's roof where I have kept my sniffle and I lay on the ground in my position waiting for the target to get to the location. I couldn't use an ear piece this time with Omar as he was busy inside trying to stop anyone from looking for me. I checked my watch and saw it was only five minutes to 10, I checked my sniffle, my fingers on the trigger ready to pull it when the door towards the back alley opened and a guy came out for a smoke. I couldn't see his face in the dark and also because he was turned away from me but he turned right before I could pull the trigger and light from his lighter showed me the face of my target. I couldn't pull the trigger because the guy I was supposed to kill was none other than Gabriele DiCaprio. I froze. This has never happened I never hesitated to kill but I can't kill Gabriele for some reason, I know if the roles were reversed and he got to know that I killed his Dad he won't even think twice before killing me but I couldn't kill him, I couldn't pull the trigger. I saw his finishing his smoke and going back inside. I sat there in the same laying down position for next few minutes but those minutes felt like hours. With a deep breath I pulled myself up dusted my dress for any dust particles and checked the time and saw that it was only 10:10. I packed my bag and left it there knowing that no one would check here and went down and towards the club.

When I reached inside the club it was like nothing changed but in reality everything changed because I realized I couldn't hurt Gabriele. I walked towards the bartender and ordered one of their strongest drinks. I felt someone sit beside me and turned to see Gabriele sitting there already looking at me. I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes and a sob escaped my lips, he looked shocked seeing me cry and he pulled my chair towards him and hugged me.

"Hey what happened? Did someone do something to you? Was it one of the guys you were dancing with? Tell me Veronica?" he asked hurriedly. I just shook my head and hugged him.

"I don't know what happened she just cried all of a sudden" I heard Gabriele explaining to someone and then I felt someone pull me into their arms from Gabriele. From the cologne I could say it was Omar.

"I am taking her out for a bit" he said to Gabriele and he tried to protest but Omar told him something which I could not comprehend. Once out I broke down completely and fell on the hard ground.

"What happened Veronica? Why are you crying? You are scaring me" Omar wrapped his arms around me and sat on the ground beside me.

"It's ... it was...sob...Gab...sob...Gab.." I couldn't form a complete sentence.

"What Gabriele? Did he say something to you?" Omar asked puzzled.

"It was...Gabriele" I tried my best to tell him.

"What Gabriele? What are you saying baby?"

"Target..the target was Gabriele Omar and and I" again I broke down.

"Gabriel? You mean to say our target was Gabriele?" when I nodded he swore loudly.

"ok but you didn't kill him because I saw him hugging you in there right now and he didn't look like a ghost to me" not waiting for my response he said, " then what happened, you didn't kill him then what Veronica?"

"I...I realized that...that...I...I love... I love him... I love him Omar. I fell for my target" and I cried as if I have never cried before.

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