Chapter 27

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Continuation in Veronica's pov

I couldn't hear anything, my ears were ringing and there's a buzz in my head. I could feel someone shaking me but I can't see the person. Slowly my ears could hear what's happening around, I could hear people shouting all around and someone is asking me something but I can't reply.

"Veronica...hear...are...ok?" I can't hear what he is saying and with that the darkness engulfed me.


The blast threw us away, I wasn't hurt much but Veronica and Cater are injured. Carter was already unconscious when everyone reached us but Veronica was still conscious but was not able to talk or move but after a few minutes she too lost consciousness. She was a step ahead of me that's why she was injured more. I had a few gashes here and there and a cut on my abdomen.

The forest was caught on fire and the boys were trying to put of the fire so that it can't engulf the remaining forest.

"Boss you ok?" Tim asked.

"Yeah but I don't think Grayson is!"

"Boss its Micah on the line" he handed me a phone and left.

"What happened Gab? Why did you send us all to the Central? Is something wrong? Let us come out Gab"

"It's a bad news Micah and you guys will come out but after an hour and no more questions" before he could say anything else I cut the call.

After sometimes when the fire was put off I went in the forest with a few guys so that we can find Gray but we all knew that he couldn't have survived the blast but then also we went in because family never leaves each other. As expected nothing was found, Gray gave up his life to protect mine and all of ours. I ordered the guys to find any of his remains so that we could give him a proper burial, he deserve that much.

I went inside the mansion and moved towards the Central so that everyone can come out. There were guards in front of the Central guarding it. I scanned my fingerprint and my eyes and the door opened. Micah was the one who noticed me first.

"Gabriele what's happening?"

"Why did you lock us here?"

Micah and Kyle were the first to question.

"Guys Grayson is no more, a bomb was plant in the kitchen and he found it so he ran towards the forest but the bomb went off and he died protecting us."

There was silence for a few minutes and then the questions started. The girls were scared but Omar was the one who asked about Veronica.

"Where is Veronica Gab?"

"Veronica and Carter were injured so they are taken to the east wing so that Sam and Jess can treat them."

"Take me to Veronica please Gabriele" April asked me crying.

With that everyone left the Central including an unconscious Zorawar and Mom. Only Kyle and Micah were left with me.

"It's getting serious guys, we have to find the mole because if he was able to infiltrate our house then he can do anything. Do whatever it takes boys but find him"

A few days after the blast

Carter and Veronica were released after Sam and Jess gave them green signal. A few days later Gray's funeral was organized. Everyone was sad about his death even the weather was gloomy but Carter was most affected. Gray had always treated Carter like a little brother, he always said that since he was also an orphan so he knows how it feels to be an orphan and Carter doesn't deserve that so he took Carter under his care.

We decided to bury Gray beside Dad as dad always said that every loyal member deserves to be buried together with those who they were loyal to. Gray was very much loyal to the DiCaprio's so he deserved to be buried beside dad.

Every member of the DiCaprio clan was present, even the guys from the tracks. Veronica and Carter still had bandages, Veronica has a few bruises and dislocated shoulder and a few fractured ribs. Carter is no better than her, he broke his left wrist, a twisted ankle, an injury to the head.

No one was talking, everyone was silent. Gray was a person who looked very rough and tough but he used to care for everyone, he always treated others equally. Everyone loved him and will continue to love and respect him.

After the burial it was time for everyone to speak about him. Carter was the first one to go, that guy couldn't even finish his first sentence and he broke down. That did it for the others, you could hear sobbing coming from the women of the family and the guys were also trying to not cry. After trying for sometime Carter somehow finished his speech. Next in line was Micah, after him it was Kyle and then the girls and lastly before me was Veronica.

It wasn't long since they both have started working together but one could see the tears in her eyes. When she went to the front to give her speech anyone can tell that she was trying hard to not break down.

"I have just started working for the DiCaprio's, it has been only six months but in these six months I have found a family here. Gray was always like a big brother to not only me but to everyone here. I was not much closer to him than you guys but one thing I know about Gray is that he would never be at peace to see us crying for him, he would have wanted us to protect the family and I promise today on Grayson's grave that I will protect this family till my last breath and I won't let anyone harm my family and I hope each of us will protect this family no matter what! Thank you"

It was as if she lighted the fire inside everyone and after she came back everyone was chanting that they will protect this family. Lastly it was my turn to speak.

"Family today we have gathered here to pay last respect to our fallen soldier Grayson DiCaprio. This year had been rough for us, first we lost our old don and then our most trusted person then Zorawar and many guys from the gun factory. I haven't told you people a few things but I think it's time you all get to know it. We have a mole among us who is helping our enemies to attack the family" just as I said the word mole there was murmurs everywhere.

"Silence! I know it's shocking for everybody but it's true. Someone among us is betraying the family and I know they are present here so here is a little advice to them, it's high time you start thinking about your safety because once I get to put my hands on you people I will skin each one alive and will give them a death which will even put Hades to shame. So beware because you time is up."

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