Chapter 12

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Continuation in Gabriele's pov

The moment I reached the mansion I called Vanessa to my room, Vanessa being Vanessa came running to my room wearing a skimpy see through lingerie.

I was already hard because of that vixen and I really needed a release and Vanessa was the perfect source to release my pent up frustration.

She is a good fu*k but I always try to ignore her because she is super clingy.

She knows the rule that she can't stay in my room after fu*king so after both of our release I expected her to pick up her clothes and move out of the room but after I came out of the shower she was still laying naked on my bed.

"What the fu*k are you still doing here Vanessa? You know the rule!"

"What if I say I don't want to go? What if I say I am still not satisfied Gab? I want more of you!"

"Vanessa get the fu*k out of my room because I won't mind throwing you out."

"You know Gab I can always satisfy your needs I-" before she can finish her sentence I picked her up by her arms and dragged her out of my room with her clothes and closed the door on her face.

After taking a last look at all the security details for tomorrow I finally retired for the day.

The next morning the whole mansion was tightly secured and everyone knew that today is one of the important days.

I saw Micah coming towards me "everything is ready we are just waiting for them to arrive"

"Has Veronica and Omar arrived?"

"Yeah they arrived an hour ago Omar is with the girls and Veronica is outside with AJ overlooking the security"

"Ok be careful and see that there is no loophole in the security"

With a nod Micah went to check on the security.

"Check that the backdoor is secured and the backyard is cleared-"

I saw Veronica coming inside with AJ talking with about security.

Looks like she takes her job seriously. Not once did she glance in my way either she hasn't seen me or is ignoring me but today I don't have time for her sh*t.

"Veronica?" I called her


Hmm, the vixen is tamed today! Good for her.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes boss, the security is full tight not even a single leaf will move without your order" she replied quite sarcastically but only she is allowed to talk to me like that and the reason is unknown to me

"Good and be ready our guests will be here in half an hour their flight has already landed and Zorawar and Kyle has gone to receive them."

"Ok boss I will inform everyone"

"Oh and Veronica?"


"Be in your best behavior because they are not much considerate like me, you piss them off and they will not take time to shoot you so be careful I don't want any bloodshed today."

She rolled her eyes and gave me a nod and went towards the backyard.

After half an hour Micah informed me that they are here so I went towards the gate to welcome them along with my mom.

There were a total of eight black suv entering our driveway. At first all the guards came out then they opened the door for him, their boss my dad's business partner or you can also say my mum's brother Michael Santiago the former boss of Spanish mafia. Then came out Cecelia Santiago his queen and now it was turn for the Santiago siblings, first came out the second born heir Kevin Santiago then it was April Santiago and at the last it was the new boss of the Spanish mafia Marcus Santiago.

As they came forward my mum ran into the arms of her brother and he secured her in his arms. I can hear the painful sobs of my mother she is crying for dad. It breaks my cold heart to see my mum crying but one day I will find the person who made my mum cry and then he has to pay for every tear that came out of my mum's eyes.

Kevin as usual the cheerful guy came forward and hugged me and Micah "it's been a long time since I have seen you both I just wish the reason for this meeting was something else."

When we were younger me, Micah, Zorawar, Kyle, Marcus and Kevin all of us used to play together but slowly our play times were reduced and we used that time to train ourselves for the future.

"Yeah I guess it has been a long time" I returned his hug.

"c'mon April wont you hug your favorite cousin?" it was as if she was just waiting for my words to confirm her and she ran into my arms. April has always been our baby sister we all are very protective of her.

"I am sorry about Uncle Pablo, don't worry you will find his murderer soon." She said while hugging me.

"I know we will find him"

After I released her from my hug Marcus came forward, he was never the type to show much emotion so he just shook hands with me and gave me a nod.

Till then mum's sobs has been under control she is just having hiccups now. I went forward to meet Michael

"How are you son?" he has always treated me like his own son

"Could have been better if dad was here" he just looked into my eyes and gave me a nod which means he will talk about the matter later. Next it was Aunt Cecelia she hugged me "take care of your mum Gab"

"You know I will" with that I let her go.

"Let's go inside everyone" mum broke the gloomy atmosphere and we all went inside.

The girls were waiting inside for us so when we went inside they also greeted everyone. The Santiago's know them very well. They know all of our important guys.

"So Gabriele I heard from Kyle that you have recruited two more new guys, is it right?" Michael asked me as soon as we all sat in the drawing room.

"Yeah it's a guy and a girl one is a computer expert and the other is a racer"

"Let me guess this girl is the much more talented computer expert then Becky and Natasha?" Kevin asked.

"Yes and no" Kyle answered him

"What do you mean by both yes and no?" Kevin asked a little confused

"No because the computer expert is not the girl it's the guy and yes because he is far more talented the both the girls combined, sorry girls but that's the truth" Kyle answered truthfully.

"Are they trustworthy Gab?" Marcus asked

"Of course they had to be trustworthy otherwise why do you think Gabriele will recruit them?" Michael answered on my behalf.

"I will ask them to come here so that you guys can meet them" I told them and asked Micah to inform them that they are needed here.

As the maids were presenting the snacks on the tables we heard two footsteps, one was heavier than the other looks like my new recruits are here.

"Boss you ca-" before she could finish the sentence she uttered two words which shocked us

"Mum dad!"

Aunt Cecelia ran towards her and engulfed both Omar and Veronica in a tight hug.

"My babies, where were you all these years did you forgot that you have a family?" she was crying when I turned towards Kevin and April to ask them what's the matter I saw them running towards aunt Cecelia to hug them all and Michael was looking at them with shock and adoration?

What the hell is going on here?

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