eight: distance

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•January 1, 2014• | 12:02 AM.

"What the hell?!" I yelled at Matt as his face turned a bright red, and people around us looked at us.

I pushed him off, and tried to get out of the crowd. It was really hard, and even harder because Matthew was coming after me.

Why the fuck did Matt kiss me after I told him I did not like him back. I'm so frustrated that I just want to live in another world.

I felt a hand touch my wrist. I looked back to see a sad Matthew. "I'm sorry." he said around all the people surrounding us. I rolled my eyes and brushed his hand off.

I finally got out of the crowd, and away from Matt, where I couldn't even see him anymore.


•January 8, 2014• | First day back to school |

I haven't spoken to Matt since New Years, and I don't really plan too.

I hope for no eye contact, and speaking.

I walked inside my science class siting at the back of the classroom messing around with my phone.

I felt someone sit right next to me, Matt. Oh just great.

Class began and typical me, never pays attention. I felt a note hit my cheek.

I opened it to see it was from Matthew: Look I'm sorry I kissed you it was a mistake, I'm sorry. I was just...I don't know, overwhelmed I guess? And excited it was 2014, a new year.

I just looked at him with no emotion as he looked back with so much sadness.

I threw the paper back at him.

He's pretty much now on my bad side.


I sat down at the lunch table with my 'rebel popular crew', as so the people who go here call us.

Except Taylor wasn't here. He was sitting by Matthew.

Ew. Matthew. His name just makes me cringed. I shook it off my shoulders, and decided to just talk with my group of friends.

My friend Luke, was a rebel, but also an athlete. What I liked about him was that he wasn't a jock. Thank god. He had his dirty blond hair up in his regular quiff, and was wearing a varsity jacket.

He also had a Jersey accent, which made me so jealous. I've always wanted a New Jersey accent.

The first time I met him he said, "What up, Im Luke, and I'm from New Jersey." He said in a New Jersey accent.

I simply responded with a New Yorker accent, "Aye I'm Andrea, and I'm from New York."

"I like to watch Netflix." he responded.

Instantly, we became friends.


Luke and I were talking with the rest of our friends, till I felt someone sit right in between Luke and I.


"What's up?" Matt smirked as he turned to face me, and he gave me a wink.

"Leave." I demanded.

"Can't do that sweet cheeks."

Luke stood up from the table and Matt as well stood up, and they were facing each other face to face with such seriousness.

how we met⇄ matt espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now