seven: december

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Andrea's POV

- December 16 2013-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I threw it across my wall and sighed.

It was Monday and I was already pissed off.

I swear I'm not on my period. I'm just very moody.

I feel regretful. That kiss with Taylor was regretful. He's one of my closest friends.

It's been two weeks since that kiss, and we haven't spoken to each other. Not once. And it's killing me.

We need to talk. We have math, English, science, and Athletics together and we won't even make eye contact with each other.

And as for Matthew, oh poor Matt. I also haven't spoken to him. I feel somewhat bad that he wasted his money on me to see my favorite artist ever.

And I remembered how his eyes were when I saw him at the park. Red and puffy.

I never asked if he cried because of me, but I guess I should've.


I walked into my first period, science class. Not brining anything but my phone.

The first thing I walked into seeing was that I was late. Not a shocker.

The second thing I saw was that the whole class was full, and there was one empty seat, and right next to it was Matthew, and to the left was Taylor.

Oh great.

"Russett," Mr.Davidson paused. "You're late."

"And you're lame, so shut the hell up!" I yelled.

He surprisingly ignored me, and I took a seat trying to ignoring both Matthew and Taylor.

I had my phone out scrolling through Twitter, then a message popped up on my screen.

I looked at it and it was from Matt..oh great.

Matty boy 😈: We need to talk.

Me: About what?

Matty boy 😈: Look, just meet me outside at the back of the school. You know where all the dumpsters are.

Me: When?

Matty boy 😈: During free period.

Me: K.

I put my phone up and decided to rest on my desk putting my head down. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

I looked up to see it was Taylor, "Can we talk after school?" he whispered looking sad. I smiled and nodded.


Matthew's POV

I waited for Andrea at the back of the school impatiently. Where the hell is she? I've been waiting for 30 minutes.

"Hey sorry I got caught up in some things." she said out of breath. I nodded angrily running my hand through my hair.

She didn't seem to notice though, that I was angry. "Why did you want to see me?" she asked clueless. "I want to take you somewhere." "Okay." she smiled.

I lightly grabbed her wrist and walked her over to my tree house. The tree house was about an hour and a half away from school, but Andrea didn't complain.

"You brought me here again?" she smiled. "Yeah." I nodded. "Why?" she questioned.

"Remember how I told you this is the place where I get away from the world?" She nodded.

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